Show LOWAL INS G geo eo A adams ond and jr IT I 1 L hansel went ent to salt lake monday inurn in on in important business it II S vorhies Vor bees ot of moab doai and it 11 durr I 1 birr ea cg of price irice sunday to lemwill Is is state inspectors tors for or state paal mail work in ili the lie county anti will likely lie fie liere nt at least CO 60 days mrs mason pei kilion of summit aint int save gave hirth saturday to a a fine aby pirl girl lint but advice conte that neith er doctor nor nurse was mis ainz to conditions beyond control last saturday mrs clias chars redd ot of la ia sal at presented her with a nice itice lahy baby KHI it hut but the and rather was non est and doctors and nurses it is said were not easily pi let iet all are doing splendidly westons StraI itri airry jerry heir to make mahe that meat meal all you expect it at a KOI cafe lee brady fit it It ha ba four years ns ar tir 1 hiilis 1 1 ilis in ili california and iuli do well to pet get liim him to t help in the team work cleber aillon AIll V elsm sn has lieen been finite it it ill for several days and mrs nielan is nurse us as alro wilson is still ill because of fahe accident received celled re when he fell into an open trench near he heller broil orner corner M r wilson A is s well khorin in this ci enmity I 1 ill 1 is one rf of the ex ev sheriffs of the liis big lii losin sin ind lias has traveled over ovel its vast area henry llo holers ers will cnown ran flier ft im ilus point does consider alde truck int i n between sun san juan all anil new dexl 0 o and texas poin pol rits Its potatoes one in 0 its his main loads for export front here ire are about leaned up anil and lie will ill likely confine his efforts tn tit talk fak n beans from tills locality and lion hon ey from near cortez cortex ile he hauls lack ack kerosene sorpia peanuts et c while chicken dinners will lie con tinned the weston Ves tn cafe fiill ill also hai hae e other food that tempt the most kartIc ular appetite such ns straw berry cake and cream fruits etc lewie I 1 K althorn Ol thorn lorn horn in 1015 residing at cedar Clira ild anda and a school teacher miss lillian A olds of ton born in 1008 a ienir license here may 1211 and ex e to t make their lionie bome at cedar ced ir books like the colorado choul teach e ars in may catch it male nit that abat is all krisht I 1 alit because some of pern em need eatch 7 claud foy tvan Chri Chrls stenen tenen and their families spent sunday on in the delores river fishing for mountain trout and came lack back quite Mc ictor torinus ions cafter ter a a pleasant boulting ink ting claud got ot 20 and ivan pot got IS 18 which is a pretty gool starter and enough for several meals a as the fish were extra binge lm ja bordins dins to t supposedly fellable rell rel alile lable anfor tion mayor clias chas nun was ill batill saturday day and St sunday inday bly was wil wilk kinz lne around altho still rather pale A good natured nati ired fi friend ten d said if clarley charley did not have this water and billit question 0 w urgently defore him he would leive lieen been ill another weel week aut he be just stay in lied beil any longer the baseball base hall I 1 game anie selie s ditled for blanding TUn dInK last I 1 sunday between lie tween their team and ithe live nine was not played play eil owing to part oatlie locker liv libys koelm delayed liy by far car troulden tron lile who will play tile road diggers diK sers this fancy team that has lieen been pradis night tor for si a week or more inz in every should lie ae ar ame aine game aged fw far sunday playing Ilay ln on oil 1 sun tin ofay may not please some yet olifee tors bould realize that many of the men have to work and distances are important weel day allies are at al most impossible and clean albart on sunday Is almost forced ripon its it organized orea nied teams areto are ao keep tit in shape to play ball 1311 tf it you have not taken i a wila up the thel new roal road west of 0 town the tile forest department has recently built two or three curves and spendin a lot of money on less than a mile the town 1 limits I 1 nil then von yeii should do so tit it Is a creditable Tedi talle loh job and uie the govern government mant with ivan and foreman ineer frost i and those who donated land it t possible are nil to lie commended |