Show WE NEED SOME OF THIS HELPIN SAN JUAN COUNTY TOO cecil allen alien of jasper county sio ito with a wife and ten small children found the road to rehabilitation on a farm farin which the local relief adminis rented them it at 2 a month and now the F K E R RA A Is loc pointing tinting to t luciem as an example that it hopes will lie ito multiplied and times in other st ites ates the oldest allen alien child is now I 1 5 the berith child was about to lie born and the family heinz bein evicted from their home in n 1 year azo as when the relief office found them to cut off their lust list source of health full food fond the family faintly cow lidil kone gone I 1 dry for lack of bidder two ploll irs per month front finni fi the relief persuaded the owner of if n W acre tract to let alien work the land but there was vas no horse three tents were put up tip ly by the relief workers one or of niem with coarl walls and floor with a teim loaned liy ily liis its other brother in allen alien worked the til aile alile portions artion pr tion of the land in parden garden truck and corn com after feeding aa chickens which the r frita E RA provided lie he had more than enough corn tor for his cow and manazer tor for a second one on ered cred lit EL A second brother loaned two 1129 who fattened on the remainder 0 of f corn mrs airs allen alien canned 00 quarts ts of t pardon garden produce the three t ants were replaced ly loy a 3 room niom housed ants which the lie relief ad ministration in the fall for or 20 alien moved tt it to his land and rebuilt it with 75 T worth of relief bought lion slit material it is now a goell home and Is flanked toy ly his nemly deiy loulia cellar and well and large cow shed of loss logs last winter a az as z in pro pre depression days allen alien wis was alle able to take rare care oft of his wife and ten iten cli ildren without direct relief inin a small amount or of cach weekly by work on a CAVA CW pro eject ills oldest girl irl was placed in lilyh high school in a nearby town slie site and the other nine are rosy cheeked checked and healthy for the first time in years the cise case is one of a i number report ed to mrs ellen is woodward diree tor of work in the FERA by mrs C T cole director Pl rector of wo mans work for the missouri relief administration there are hundreds of thousands of tann farm families who need a lift more or less like the Allens received mrs woodward Wood varl said kadi each onse case buoy need different dil Terent tr eMment our instructions are to set get the joh io done lafever lat ever it takes within the limits of 0 our financial resources when lee xe TPAul ilon of joplin un londei loaded tire and a balf barrels of nt cu cur curlier riller pickles at the warehouse of the local relief relict administration in jop lin not long ions ago aeo it haq in repayment of seed and groceries erles eldh hud hild en allied him tto to make those pickles on top of paying his obligation to the relief nd ministration he also paid loald part of ithe hie interest on liis its farm mort aasc a e and all of the back taxes that had lieen been del iti quent for se leeral oral years j duijn dur ins tile winter ot of 1931 1 groceries were furnished DAu daubson bion for himself Us his wife anti anil two small children but now they are supplied with banned aniie il dried food or of the their irown own production mill with food for tamim and cow of the 1110 13 ia a week which daubson DAu DAti bion was bild on a CAVA CA job they saNe saed 10 a week |