Show SEE NEED FOR KEEP NG RECORDS RECORDS OF PAY AND COST farmers of 0 have come to the inclusion that it is a far letter better pram pi ac e t to scratch a record look with a acil at the time a transaction iq 1 lade izile than to t scratch the head some me later in an effort to remember reme P the sale or pur purlease bease this education was many nes to t C 0 stott elenion et ext enion enlon amno ast alst 1st in liis his recent visits over the I 1 ite to assist in the dl ot of ne v account look given to farm armr siv ho have AAA contracts on tracts eigners Sla ners are expected to attend corn com alty Inee tings where the revord record h irks ious will be riven given anti and an all explanation the same lit in recent meetings quy iny finners fa have been present to elve dive their bools lo and dis att profet leaders are at also beskind t very well on this project while the alie triple A record hook ls iq levi ally designed desiK ned t to give five the signer e right kind of information needed establishing compliance ith con lets it can also le be very well adap alto keeping a record ot of the entire ni liu lousiness siness ms iness farmers tire are beginning to realize ope raUn their business ini siness wit hoult they are much like a ship operating without a compass |