Show SAIN JUAN join SOUTH I 1 UTAH mw association may ai and is landing clubs met tor for the purpose of consid erlitz erini by the flie committees thereof tile the question of whether or not this athla county would become it a mem lier ber ot of the so utah associated clubs an organization of nil all counties south of utah county as it stands and not Inc liidia dina the regular resi ilar enst utah section except wayne ayne and garfield and now possibly fifty dubs in counties so the decision is that the two towns unite in pain the annual dues aich happen ito total 1 per member for these two clubs per annum saturday alay ara 12 it at 8 pm tile the rlue blue lit civic club had a banquet ilian it t tile the weston cafe and transacted important business adiong items wag selecting a director as the county lias bas iii to 0 for the en year J E r weston was elected by unanimous vote choosing an alternate niem ment lier ber wn ans 4 left for the present with mr weston it was the apparent lesire that two delegates dele sates attend the meeting at cedar city saturday and q I 1 I 1 n f 1 1 T 1 ray 19 20 Consi considerable drable discussion wa ans iven e en the matter of pas aine vix f mon money y fe be ins ing diverted t any other use than for road maintenance and m p or as the law now provides there Is swe some talk of the more thickly populated areas aslina asking the next legisla ture that some of this money lie used otherwise and it is known that the schools have lieen been seeking a it ns as officials evince a desire to thus employ a part of the revenue nue this is all caused by the fact that per capita the cow counties get et m more re money front from abis f wd r f ux ix it i w used more fai for mileage than per man on motion iw liy by r faser eager 1 seconded clett by mr fr flake the club voted solidly s to stand for keeping this sas gas tax money for use Us its the law provides about 27 2 members attended the hicken chicken dinner well sered and appreciated precia ted president A S Wood lind vice vies ralph kniley eidth aliment ali alp sent atul anjil T J K E weston the alie fish and same game department ot of the state will present a free picture pic tine I 1 show this week here and at blanding to show the wild life of 0 our state and ns as dates seen seemed ieti arran seil ed it will ill he be tonight at monticello celIo and elther either list last night or toi night in bland I 1 in n a |