Show get poisons out of 0 0 0 doctors know that this modern scientific laxative works efficiently in smaller smaill doses because you chiew it ir safe and mild ad for old and young fe imam at FOR ION W 0 0 01 11 sleeplessness successfully amt in this act way y nbc a daft t thonetta kp you f iram ygor int ang in catul m 0 elep j fl koinig y B S NERVO ia contains no MOM erml n dburl u bior years hald h ald bi by or d proven 0 e n b ben eni in alio a t troa tin of 0 nervo oa end 1 1 nervous 1111 h irrl rv mm V all over tho world AT ALL DRUG STORES C 9 FREE 8 06 ilou 66 6 6 C 91 D vt 34 no WON st chica chi cd F koenige Koe niga arvine COLDS COST MONEY it ll is estima estimated fed that fr old I 1 I 1 loss eh ar d day y 1 tinn tim from work wora in e a year yar FORTIFY I 1 I 1 YOURSELF af AGAINST COLDS GRIPPE I 1 k tons cp yaw body with DR PIERCES GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Y all dealers liquid or tablets Tob leti 0 A N mya ydia E Pink rink hams vege table compound is a wonderful medicine at the change of life I 1 would get blue spells and just walk the floor I 1 was nervous ot is could not sleep at night nigh Q and was not able to do my work I 1 know ifft if it had not been for your medicine I 1 would haye have been in bed most of this time and had a big doctors bill if women would only take youir medicine they would be better 1 I mrs anna weaver R F F D no 2 rose hill iowa W N U salt lake city no ho 4 |