Show NOTICE TO WATER USERS notice is is hereby given that J T P nielson floyd W nielson and J E nielson Nic lson whose post office addresses addi csc esses e s nie flie blanding Blandin pr utah have hae made ibi cation in in accordance with the ledune merits of see sec 8 chapter 67 session laws of utah 1919 to change the place of storage of acre acie feet of water from spring creek in in sw san juan county utah heretofore said ater was to have been d di cited at al a point which bears ft alvel b S and ft W from the SIA si cor col of sec 35 3 T 32 S R 23 E S L B M and stored in in a reservoir tile center or of the impounding dem dam of which aich was vas N 44 dep deg 39 min nun W TOS ft from alip N nt of sec 20 T 02 32 S R 25 E S L B AT and used for foi the ali fi im gation of parts of sees 25 23 20 26 22 27 21 16 15 28 36 T 31 S R 24 E S L D B A al it t Is is now desire to store stole the water in ill a reservoir the center of tile ill ain pounding dai dan 1 l of which bears N 11 leg 30 min inin E WO 1190 ft from tile tho ea E cor coi of see sec 25 T 52 32 S R 21 L E i released pleased from the reservoir and allowed to flow down the natural channel where it is a re diverted at t tn points as follows S 67 deg E ft from froin the el E cor of see sec 38 T 31 S it 21 24 E ba and N 74 deg dee rl bl mm min E 73 ft from the SE cor of see sec 25 said township and range where the mater ater V hlll ill be used for the irrigation of vs of land ir ir tho the sec 3 31 1 see sec 30 90 T 31 R S R 25 2 E ea SE NW 14 NE 1 see sec 25 T 31 R S R 21 C E SI S L B AT r this application is designated in the santo engineers office as file no LI 1091 all protest protests pio tests aranet the grantin ir of aid storine tile the bensons must be irv hv affidavit i duplicate accompanied with it a fee of 1 00 and filed in this office within tanty 30 day after the completion of the publication of this notice GEO at BACON state engineer first pub pill feb 6 lat last march 6 1910 1930 I 1 I 1 wrier NOTICE OF sur Kirps SAIX in ili the lie district di brict court of the seventh judicial cial district of the state slate of utah in ili ami for san pan juan annn county tha stat of utah vs Wil william linni I 1 R hanson II arson ruth eiith hansen liis his wife san consolidated Consoli datel wason wagon ma ATH cliine co a corporation ja joseph 5 e P a tn nor ner and nio 11 0 oliverto Olier to Deien defendants cla ants sheriffs silo anlo to bo be sold at sheriffs salo sale on tn fri lav the he lay lav of february A D 1 1930 at the front door of ahe county court house in tho the town of monticello Monti oello son sail juan county state of utah a al 11 botlock a TH ri the rip de 1 tract of land situate in the tho county of san juin state of nf utah I 1 1 1 wi V of section 11 in T enship 34 S it 26 R B S L AT containing contain 0 O acres torether together with any or oi nil all water or water rights use sod or on or I 1 in con connection with the above described describe lands C R christensen sheriff of san juan county first pub feb b 6 last feb 27 IN THE SEVE VI DISTRICT COURT OF SAN JUAY COUNTY COUNT STATE OF UTAH beneficial LIFE COMPANY a corporation Plaint if vs FREDRICK lUCK P JONES ot oth heui erwi known as r F r P tones jones and as r peter tone jones E LENORE IGNORE JONES his wife ifa JOHN J 11 JONES ALICY aliar JONES his wife BAR CROSS CROS cariie a partner copartner co ship RODERT G I 1 other SP known qa 1 focer 0 lafita ANNA G LAFITE his wife HENRY DALTON and ADAMS defendants SUMMONS the state of utah to tile the said de fend fenc ants lants you me are hereby ond to ap pear within wisenty days dais after th service of ibis hs summons ii nimon upon you ion I 1 i served within the county in abiel thia thi action is is brought athin within thigh dis davs after service and an 1 defend the above entitled action an in case of your failure so 0 o to do judg ment will bo be rendered against I cording to the e demand of the corn been filed wit th leik clerk of said court this action is is brought for foi the pur lose of foreclosing a mortgage to fo covering coci ini the following follo winf de cubed real leal proper property tv in in sin sail fuai county bounty state of utah to wit the est east half of the Noi Nor quater qua qui ter itei the north hilf half of the south 0 cist t quarter ci and the South wc ci of the southeast Sou theist quarter or section 3 5 township 33 south range e 23 east of the salt lak Mei idian also the northeast qua iter th north half of the so southeast ter and the southeast quarter of the Sout southeast benqt quarter qui iler and t th ha southeast quarter of the north west quarter qua itei arid and the north th half 0 the southwest quarter qu aitor an and I 1 th southwest quarter of the southwest quarter qua iter all ili in section 10 township Tow nhip 33 south ra range g e tio 23 3 east of the salt lake laic meridian together with an all rights to the us of water for foi irrigating paid land an and for foi domestic use nse thereon tv tc which the defendants r F P jones TI T CM p jono i johr john TT TI jones nn A mice ii cc amps or fr the fail p premises opuses onuses on nn november 7 loi 1917 or b ame en ditl titled F d howsoever hov evidenced im in lud ng n one fourth interest t in or ard to tn the voters cle in in ani numbered and an I 1 nil all of the th waters embi need with n riling r ISSA acco X in n 0 t tl p v records of tile llie stats state engineer of utah altah A deficiency judgment is aice aI cd cl fon the complaint as against fr fi dc dai e 1 jones E lenore jores jones jelin it II ones nn n 1 alice aim tones jones in ruse ra 11 ahn nort paced tv falls fails nvia hn som sal 1 0 realize nt to tl of A bir ludine interest attorneys fes fees fe s on an YOUNG boyre bona Att ornis ys for plaintiff I 1 0 address addres vermont building tilt t I 1 nice city utah fust first pub jan 23 last rob reb 20 ribe for the san juan record I 1 |