Show T personal COMMENT ON CURRENT CM TOPICS mr f A news headline sa says ys that f failure ilu t to 0 0 observe the law is cause us ef e of f i calma IT increase inc i rease tease well now aint th atbright wed always thought that crimmin crime cri mein KM crease was caused by geneal degen 1 crati cration or of human matuie C 11 ta treasury reports show that th tabi number of people who have incomes of one million or more has doubled during the past year it looks jis ns though the fleeming fleecing flee cing of the lambs in the recent wall street sheet panic had biel beh most profitable its a cinch twi that i there has been no general bus business ineis growt i that warrant wai rants s such increases 1 in incomes I 1 the timo onto is at hand when Moni conicello cello and blanding should have aico aipo the writer has recently re received V e a letter asking what the possibilities cabi ll 11 des aou would id be of landing near the iho to nl should a sightseeing airplane fly over ver our section of the country why canz 0 can not a ate be selected and thet have the county trade some of its iti tax land arr it thus making it 16 a municipal m or county institution owing to ill health chief justice wm win howard tuft taft has teil tendered dered id hia resignation lesigna lion to president hoo hoover ci who ho has appointed clias chas evans hughea st to a succeed mr air taft the antry is it losing the services of ono one of 14 most conscientious and able servi servants fits in the retirement reth ement of ex president taft from public life but none can gainsay the fact that the appointment of mr hughes to fill his place is a splendid one i 1 i now that everything is in hand hanato to permit the grading of the load monticello to the colorado state line on an approved cecle federal ral ald aid there should bo be no qu quibbling I 1 by y lano lana owners about giving the deeds to the right of way the completion of this will cheapen all freight it will make it much more moie convenient to the farmers living adjacent to the read to get to the market centers and nd will bring them in much closer cloi contact to the outside world besides beides be ides being of benefit in in numerous nume ious other ways land owners through whose chos premises pic the survey runs should call oil en the county clerk at then their earliest eai liest convenience arid and get the matter settled on the heels of the thit that th it the city of chicago lias go pom 1 bankrupt stories stones of macic robber je us rapine and minder are inui ciuch more numerous numerous nume ious even than in in the inot buti lays days of that cites dime crime wave it loos looks to an in old tinier as aj tile the good citizens of chicago will have hae t to pattern after the best citizens of th w western e s tern states in in tile the early days clays ind and f form 0 r m a few vigil vigilant antl well bet dollars to doughnuts that if it were done clone and the file committees were commanded by some of lie ho old time western heads there would not 1 enough racketeers and gunmen left in in the city within a month to even stage a wild west show turkeys are aie being marketed maik eted from dolores Po loies lores colo by truck load to los ins angeles calif this has been marlo marle possible pcs sible all because a few enterprising bu business a I 1 ness nun men 0 of f moab a and nd monticello went to cortez a few years ago and inaugurated a good roads loads known as the navajo trail which aich was the first incentive toward building tile the macadamized road load across the navajo reservation le from gallup to shiprock N M now san juan county utah I 1 is is still in need of a short t rout lout to th the acidic coast as art added outlet for its farm produce pio duce and we ire are still enthusiastic over aci tic the valley lots get it abt er ei committee together make it a tup trip tc tubs tuba city pick up the nl I 1 of the western daiji indian indi in i s er and take him on oil t to firk 11 h staff and an I 1 williams ariz an and try to artir enough interest to put that i ail in good shape for foi tourist travel itsjo iab I 1 net too to late even to get an ampro pa I 1 hiop through congress cong icis to t help alon nl ne the aik work oik |