Show additional LOCALS county clerk frank halls hall and ami county treasurer ier nora noia jones left bues tues tuesday day evening foy for orilen ogden to attena tile the state convention of auditors clerks treasur treasurers ers and assessors asses sois tile the rebus rota club will hold iab next meeting at the home of mrs mis ber bei frost thursday afternoon it t with mrs bilford yi Vi lford ford frost and 1 mis gilbert as hostesses the monticello wea weather tiler reporter wishes to inform the inland empire that moah moab had it IS 19 degrees colder than monticello luring dining tha recent cold id a snap nap in instead of 4 as hi h Ti reported ported little elaine perkins perking fa bonill om bed bad barni on the legs when lien she fell front a radiator PI lq which she hai had been standing while watching a gamt me of basketball between the school s h I 1 children she fell across a steam titi valve vahe |