Show old inscription shows horse age beginning to the learned century old academy of inscriptions of paris professor ri Il of has communicated his long expected translation of what vital Is perhaps the most ancient hittite inscription len it Is the first in any language that become became burodean Euro Bur and was cut in the rock of asia minor not far front from who what t Is now angora the new capital of turkey ille value of the Inscription what we might call its curiosity ls Is that flint it II gives elves tile the date very nearly when tame horses first appeared so far to the west it was the beginning of 0 the florse age in civilization and Is of 0 melancholy interest to us its who years later inter are careering wit with our tinto automobiles to into hie file llor horseless seless age it was vas supposed sup posed that horses were first brought to egypt mother of 0 civilization about 1500 1600 years before christ by the cassiotes Cas sites from babylon that was some denra after abraham passed through the blithe peoples on his way from ur of the baba ionian to the promised binl hoston boston globe |