Show I 1 mrs greens pathetic i S 0 S over telephone mrs green had announced cheerfully that she was having a table of bridge the next evening while mr 0 went to a business dinner tier her hus bus band looked at tier her with the cold eye ee of tin an unbiased critic do you iou mean to tell me you have the nerve to invite people here to play bridge why you cant play but fred dear I 1 can mrs airs G replied proudly mrs airs thomas gave me a lesson yesterday what mr air green had to say about a one lesson bridge player was sufficient it accounted for mis airs greens telephone call to tier her brother neit day oh bob she willed walled youve got I 1 to help me out just bring any one you ou please and pretend to drop in unexpectedly toni tonight glit an tiling to break I 1 up the bridge ganie game |