Show honor comes too late to interest inventor if there was ever an unfortunate in 1 it was waa old jim fitch filch the genius of philadelphia who plied piled the delaware river la in a steamy steamboat 10 at 0 of f 11 his own design and construction construct iO 22 years before the fulton effort on the hudson fitch spent years rears in working out ou his big idea and did it with a considerable degree of success but he was 0 very humble member of society soc lety given to minor spells of self lw indulgence a so that he was never taken seriously by bi anyone and no hand band was raised to help him on the contrary he met with opposition and misfortune one blow after another fell upon his she shoulders ul aud and finally he gave up and wandered south where he lived a while and then died and w was as burled buried there the tory story s of his setback Is a long one the only recognition that he ever received Is about t to 0 be bestowed upon him in the shape of a celebration by bi his descendants which will he a held at nn an e early arty da date te but it Is a little too late to be of any interest to old jim fitch washington star |