Show i ne bao UP sets of W OT WA A ch 11 d A ca I ew all children are subject to lo little U upsets sets they come at unexpected tip times m es they seem twice as serious colt colic le or diarrhea fields yields to th te a in in the dead of night but theres soothing influence 0 of castoria one form of comfort on which a keep Casto castoria rit in mind and keep mother cin can always rely good old a bottle in in the house always castoria this pure vegetable give a few drops to any child preparation can cant t harm t the he tiniest whose tongue is is coated or whose infant yet mild as it is it soothes breath is bad continue with a restless fretful baby like nothing castoria until the child is gr grown I 1 else its quick relief soon sees the every drugstore has casto castoria r i aith the e youngster comfortable once more genuine has clia chas H Flet Fletcher chers 3 back youngster ack to sleep even an attack of signature on the wrapper how flow a man does admire a witty make blake enemies if you liae have to but a if she applies tier her wit to a man who makes unnecessary ones Is inn he cislik est foell foolish s h ow A college athlete keeps well BOB 1 mima a of colgate the tha whole story ire he Is aa claims that a right in in believing that sensible method of guiol contains no drugs health has really made no medicines of any life a pleasure for him kind it is is tasteless and mr air deming writes that colorless as pure water at first he could not believe it is simply harmless internal this simple thing which was the cause of his your body needs needa as buoyant spirits finally much as any other however he had to admit machine regularly as that it was bujol dock clock work bujol cleans which was keeping him out of your body those well besides giving him poisons which we all as he says five times thes have and which make the vitality us low in our minds tired headachy and believe me he says bays having free and re regular gular below par bodily ellmina elimination the way tor for you to makes all the difference find out how much in ia the world to a diver better bujol will make as well as to any other you feel is to try it for athlete I 1 cant afford to a few days get be nervous sluggish or a bottle in a sealed depressed emed while diving robert 0 deming package at any drug it just donel done I 1 I 1 store it costs only a would like to urge any vay V ay te few cents but it makes one whether they think you feel like a million they are in in good health or not to dollars do you know how many give bujol a tryout try out it certainly thousands of people keep themselves cant do any harm and ill bet it well vieu and happy just by using bujol would make them feel a hundred per why you feel well all the tha cent better its worth tryingly try time you caal can get yourself a bottle mr doming deming has just about told of bujol today A man never neier realizes how fond he if a scientist thinks his science over Is of brunettes he ha marries a th rows religion he care to blond discuss the matter CY V N v angco D that cold may lead to something serious if neglected the time to do something for it is now dont wait until it develops into bronchitis take two or tareo tablets of bayer aspirin as aa soon as you feel a cold coming on ur or as soon as poss possible ablo after it starts bayer aspirin will licad head off or relieve tho the aching and feverish feeling will stop tho headache and if your throat is affected dissolve two iwo or three tablets in a quarter glassful of warm water and gargle this quickly soothes a sore throat and reduces inflammation and infection read proven directions for neuralgia for rheumatism and other aches and pains genuino genuine bayer aspirin is harn harmless iless to the heart we AW A W JA in ar AS IPA baba PRO 11 UN PW it N As aspirin Is the ali trado muk mark of brer bayer ot ct CLEANSING acknowledged as a SOOTHING protection against ANh antiseptic SEPTIC skin troubles moan SAE IL I 1 rrie alSe etoni drag chemical ca carport tt lion alaa MM r M dw A M instead ot of dangerous heart ds d pre pres take safe enild purely purdy vegetable MATUR Vil a and nd getris of the tha bow towel poison 0 that aliat liat cause canga th the trouble noth thi i 1 K X ilk like tr OR for biliousness sick headachy h and constipation acts act J pleasantly imaney ar never eyed I 1 mild afe ufe pandy vegetable v As doo 1 maka ch P fKEt A ra rt ad 1 LL OW DR CUM M GOULEY izing la in treatment of dl aada by electr ibrahi Oudine ine wn kad infra fra medray bed ray F examination de by blood tet test and abon tory freo 1111 m tow to 5 07 scott olds bilg phone wa wll SALT TAKE LAKE amr ara UTAH 11 the moler barber college colleg P inc BARBERS JOAn BETtS IN D ND state U 4 codega 9 rhale kara while von on 1 M you yon for an any y state Examina examination tiou 1 PARKERS HAIR MR BALSAM aw reon 0 D hai r fa Reato af rei rara color and nj beauty to crar and bd faded hal 6 and 10 L 0 it 0 alki axon oxon m y T FLORESTON SHAMPOO SHAMMO ideal for nea in connection v with ath parkers hair balcam mikea make the tha bat and fluff r 60 cento by or at dang eleas heacox chemical works patchogue S qui cl I 1 ear c c f pleasant soothing and yie healing aft excellent for ff children len contains ao 20 is opiates successfully used for foi 65 years and sizes A NEW AGE A G E OF lubrication BEGINS WITH T H HIS I 1 S NEW MOTOR 0 OIL 1 L C characteristics 11 A R A C T E R I 1 S T I 1 C atrat 1 v e lubricity b r c y alone has this new characteristic aliat since the discovery of lie the wheel hecl lubrication has uron upon them wells and two british D been a necessity and a problem the first rude scientists begun began a study of the problem which barrows which prehistoric pre h historic historic men built needed occupied 16 years the result of their efforts effort lubrication and one of the brighter tribesmen was the isolation of the germ essence Essen essences cea a property began rubbing the axles of 0 hit his primitive cart that hat provides increased oiliness when with raw animal meat introduced into mineral oils these processes with watts invention of 0 the steam engine in in were ivere patented end and continental acquired them 1763 metal on metal friction resulted then it exclusively for north america thus contin was that animal and vegetable oil lubricants anis be ellal krings yov you the frit first anil and only fundamentally fundament aUy come came definitely unsatisfactory their tendency better oil lt of the to leave corrosive corrosive deposits ruled them out mineral oils are discovered germ process and penetrative lubricity after the drilling of the first oil well in 1859 mineral oils became commercially successful the germ process adds one startling char because petroleum was plentiful and was freer oct eristio to germ processed motor from gumming um minji and corroding tendencies it rap oils it enables them to penetrate metal surfaces idly supplanted animal and vegetable oils this means that are an enduring oil film filin but since 1901 there have been practically no actually penetrates all working parts and clings changes of fundamental import importance anco in refining under alt all conditions in starting starling when 49 40 to motor oils 60 of motor vicar wear occurs in preding pc eding now since 1901 think of the changes that have when hen any failure of the film is is fatal to motor been made in motors I 1 probably the make of car lite life remember this thistle the permanence of this you vou drive tod aywas not even manufactured in fit film precludes any possibility of metal abre abrasion sion 1901 Ceria certainly lit its needs for oils are far more the gerin germ es essence senco naturally adds greater oil ness and we call that lubricity so we have penetrative lubricity as the outstanding char the development of germ process 0 of chis this new oil foreseeing that ordinary mineral oils would when will you begin using germ eventually fail ail to meet the increasing strains put processed motor oil T THE 11 1 F FOUR 0 U R A AGES G E S 0 OF F lubrication I 1 years B BC C to 1763 1763 io to 1859 animal rati fall for wood tro odon on vegetable oils and animal wood friction ami for on metal friction 1859 to 1918 GERM PROCESSED OILS 1929 petroleum ducci discovered aln and rod the first fundamentally fundament allf vied not as ai so oily but tuner olli eili of thi the does not corrode means a imort smoothness aness ness freedom from friction I 1 also th the property that diminishes friction fiction as B the icib lubricity rociy of oil coupled with the unique ability to penetrate metal 4 0 0 0 1 GER R 00 C ES S E D PARA MOTOR |