Show q 4 pi i 4 eggle 1 1 ILLING station AND mm FARMERS SUPPLY DEPOT I 1 V T nice assortment of MOTHERS DAY BOXED CANDY t M M H i M H li 4 t i mrs J W hansons dansons Han sons bread 4 fresh every day T 11 H H H H li H H H W R ta 14 ZT T he most successful program is that of saving early and often 5 J state did of san juan LOST one spiral spring painted red between monticello and dodge point finder please return to clarence frost it 0 WANTED stock to pasture after july 1 pasture on upper beav beaver cr 0 in dolores county plenty of grass grasl ard running water yinto arito A ei mccabe mcabe box dolores colo it reliable man with car wanted to call on farmers n san juan county make 8 to 1 I 15 daily no ho experience or capital needed write today company dep dept t H freeport it NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC the tentative budget ciket of ei expenditures of the san juan district school hoard for the year 31 hp has bi bearn prepared and ald apu birc hearing on tr ane a same will be held in the officer office of tho the clerk of the board at 10 oc locka in tuesday may 13 1930 30 HLLOYD 11 LLOYD HANSEN it clerk of the board swift COMPANY lV V MONTI GELLO LLO CREAM STATION T yi iti iyer of 1 CREAM POULTRY G S STUART manager record Want Wan tais ads bring results FOR SALE now new P and 0 14 inch plow two shares inquire of goo 1 barton monticello 0 FOR SALE ear corn IA cents a 0 pound at ranch robert miller iler la at all nationalities we i know inow now no race creed cieck or colonl color woman women men who are arc desirous of preparing for foi tho the detective profession communicate with scotland yard detective bureau gorman german building 66 division st albany N Y tf 0 NOTICE FOR publication department of tle the interior U S land off office ice ati salt lake city utah april 3 1930 notice is hereby given that mary marv margareta batton barton of monticello utah who on sept 21 1 1911 made desert land entry no for SYN WIk NGU section 5 township south range 24 east salt lake meridian ler idian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to theland the land above described boore fore the clerk of the district cobit at monticello tf abon Ut utah on the 2 0 hay 1930 under the homestead provisions vision of the net act of march 4 1916 1915 claimant names as witnesses george F birton barton fred Y jensen C 1 R christensen and rodney S pehrson all of monticello utah ELI F TAYLOR register first pub apr aar 10 last may 8 0 NOTICE r FOR 0 publication D department art t of the interior ir U S LT land office a at t S salt it lake city utah april 12 1930 notice is hereby giyen that guy wheatley of monticello utah who on may 9 1927 made homestead no for wah W section 10 township 3 34 31 1 south range vi 2 vast east salt alt lake meridian has filed notice of in intention fention to make final proof to tc establish claim to the lind hind above described bed 1 before e ore J W palmer U S collini Con commissioner lini at 31 monticello utah on the day of may 1920 claimant names as witnesses john A freda fred iw morris griff girffin in C talman and charles T sinclair all of monticello utah ELI F TAYLOR register Ti tr first pub apran aar apr 17 last may ala 15 0 4 NOTICE FOR publication department of the ahe interior U S land office at Salt Lake city utah april 3 1930 V 11 notice is hereby given that hyrum 3 porter of blanding utah who on july jelv 21 1925 made homestead entry no for 4 see sec 8 belz section 29 township 35 south range 22 east salt lak meridian has filed notice lotice of in intention to make final root to establish claim to the lanci lana above e described before wm win E ervin rvin palmer notary public at blandina Blan dinc utah b or on tha and 2nd nd day of tune june 1930 30 claimant i mant names as bitnes witnesses es guy R hurst ralph brown edson and alma M hawkins all of bf blanding utah ELI F TAYLOR register first pub aar apr 17 last may 16 15 HERE ERE SATURDAY THE SKY SCRAPERS A PATHE masterpiece YOU MISS the chun cohens and kellys kelly s in atlantic city funnier than ever MONDAY NIGHT ADIE you cant expect everything ina in a country store but our new assortment of dress patterns ar are e unexcelled anywhere besides there is is a guaranteed quality and satisfaction that yondong you yon dont personally enjoy when you make selections from samples only our prices are low for QUALITY offered looks as good mers chandise compare with real fabrics starched samples always look jook good but its the making up wearing ad washing and freshness that quality guarantees all our patterns are guaranteed TUB fast we are exclusive distributors for PLOUGHS famous black and white L adies cre creations actions creams powder rogue lip stick mon secret perfumes talcum max factors factor i s society make up 1 W n basia A RON kai fa fy V AM somjai I 1 il MB adiza aljy 0 monticello UTAH aa t i i alty 0 meat M k t I 1 monticello UTAH I 1 lamb chops ib f fresh portside pork side meat i T bone and loin steak choice beef roast trimmed stewing meat GROUND MEAT per pound ground fresh tice each day d IV BOILED HAM per pound SWIFTS PREMIUM HAM sliced NARROW LEAN BACON sliced SWISS CHEESE CHEES ENTO CHEESE j CELERY 11 LETTUCE lETTU Cr 4 i i f i f kw k 4 w fad ma har M t M ht ha mt mt 1 A ar t 4 ti i the new chrysler chu S I 1 r six ix FOR 1085 wOO I 1 4 performs with the very best of them plenty of I 1 PEP its riding is unsurpassed athas it has hydraulic ab it grips the road at all speeds its hydraulic brakes are sure and dependable and safe its economy is a marvel witt ith its lu luxury xury its comfort and power the dignity beauty and distinction of chrysler Chrysl ci is in this new car f i eijia 4 tiie ML I 1 he new chusler chrysler plymouth pa y mouth VOR FOR t Is a full size at ford prices it has as is a full size automobile at ford prices it has four chrysler hydra hydraulic ull i c brakes which are built to stop you quick chrysler brakes have saved thousands of lives because they work chryslers Chrys lers smaller wheels make rough roads smooth when looked hooked up with hydraulic shock absorb ab eri H im M ima D B dy I 1 es M gut 10 r go BLANDING UTAH 1 41 1 |