Show would you like to ty try sn this doctors laxative free of charge i J j fery every family has occasional need of a laxative I 1 but it should be a family laxative one that cant I 1 form 1 a I habit but can be taken as often as needed i when breath is bad or tongue coated or appetite PEM fails only a doctor knows the right ingredients COW mm rw 1 l dr caldwell discovered the correct combination 1 years cars ago dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin combines MRA harmless armless herbs and pure senna it starts m muscular 11 I 1 n action and soon corrects constipation gently but constipation surely it relieves a bilious or 8 sluggish I 1 h condition it is is mild delicious effective 21 all druggists keep this f famous amous prescription ready in big bottles or Z hm write wite dr syrup pepsin monticello etlo ill III for a free trial bottle battle postpaid which ml make a horns wh whew w roar have bar thick wlad wind or ahks n cm sn bo be reduced with ith Abo orbio also AIM other bunches or swellings no aid M boru book S 3 t ne A th laiful ur owr U r RAM mr C 17 round flesh jr crowth th on gland boutt inched W sincerely thank yoa roa ter r rood good advice ua d 0 W F YOUNG ic p 10 ajr ats nn THAT BURIED GOLD AND A ND SILVER you have heard talked about so much i ch can now be located by a new eclen title tide invention lion almeady located thousands of dollars particulars free Tree gurt sura hunters hunter of america P 0 box salt laki lake city utah fl ow ir G a H e d H 0 r seas Han fords balsam of myrrh all jthn r I 1 idaj 0 wd bd d set al COLDS COST MONEY that t caff fromholds frome olds 1 tout th arc doys dayi I 1 ill from work in ia or 1 1 A 1 FORTIFY YOURSELF AGAINST COLDS GRIPPE to ton pa g yr year body 0 y with DR GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY all dealers liquid or tablets Tab leti r A DA CHE jj I 1 instead nt of dangerous heart hear t d del 0 pres P r tako sale mild p purely U rely J j ve vegetable stable NATURES REM ED T ft and get rid of tho bowel poisons n I 1 thit that c cause the trouble noth moth y in ing III like ilka ja IR R for biliousness sick ae headache he and constipation acts t I 1 1 pleasantly I kintly never gripes fi itile afe purely vegetable at druggists ly 25 zac vicke che tat I 1 A TAM in YF im YLE f S E A A 0 10 44 4 0 gasoline is is actually tested downs donns of times thes in the process of refining but it is is called triple tested gasoline because bce of alt ah of tf these csc tests converged into three main tests for these are the things that motorists wan tand are entitled to set get from tho gasoline they use A gasoline may be ever so powerful but if is not volatile ra f enough to start the motor quickly and give rapid acceleration in traffic it will not satis satisfy dc demands mands an easy casy starting starring swift acceleration are mere snares saares if they are not backed up with freir for every need economical power gasoline meets all three of these important practical tests the reason so many people insist on triple tested C CONOC asam alliek co GAS U OLINE aa ir ir ni N i E PACKED WITH EXTRA MILES I 1 |