Show SCHOOL NOTES CLOSING PROGRAM THURSDAY thi thursday raday evening may alay 16 15 at eight 0 clock the grades from the fourth grade to the high school will present a special program A play get up and bar the poor door written anil and presented by members 0 of f the freshman class scenes from Al mcbeth cBeth by the senior english class a scene from As you like lik 3 it by the sophomores and musical selections iron from tile the other grade comprise com prisa th this is program school patrons are invited to attend friday next the first four grades IV will M be entertained by a cli childrens I 1 dance there will also be special features provided for their entertainment the program is as 0 outlined u twined i A four act play songs poems stories and games gumps there will be a airplane i ride around the hall for ac and of 01 course the dance there will be ice cc cream and cookies to sell for ac the 1 admission will be ac also bring your nickels and dimes and enjoy yourself from 4 to 6 from then oi on till nine the time will be reserved for the high school the admission for those up to fourt fourteen wen will be loc and for those over 14 will pe e there will be ice cream and cookies to sell As a good time is assured everybody come and dance MAXENE REDD |