Show OF LOCAL INTEREST WEATHER REPORT P date ato max minn pre ch char ai may 1 68 36 00 clear 1 1 2 67 39 00 cloudy 8 3 57 38 36 15 PC 4 BO 50 36 01 cloudy j 6 5 46 26 00 PC 6 54 20 00 cloudy 7 49 46 32 10 cloudy MRS 11 fa V BLAKE voluntary observer 11 U X butt went awn to moab tuesday 1 day to io attend the graduation exercises at the school there and bring his family back to the ranch at the close A baby boy arrived at the home ot ol mr air anil and mrs airs max valdez saturday last mr and mrs airs C W chapman were shoppers in town tuesday last from the bucolo ucolo neighborhood C T sinclair and J F fincher were in front from the lockerby Locke rhy neighborhood tuesday day having business with the county counti commissioners frank silvey was up from lisbon valley tuesday on business with the coun county ty commissioners pertaining to road matters in his neighborhood 0 mrs airs MA mcbarton M abarton Barton has gone to salt lake city for treatment of an affect tion of the eyes she was driven as tar far as the railto railroad ad by mr barton union sunday sunda school and mothers day exercises will be held at the young theater at 10 a m sunday next the rv rev parks of moab will ivill speak there a at t 11 lewis hancock ancock II former monticell boy and miss jennie jensen i of mancos were married at the home 01 the brides parents in that place thursday of last week harold murray H U 11 butt and J E shaw formed a delegation from tuesday lash last with a petition to the county commissioners for foursome some road improvement I 1 I 1 D district attorney fred W keller left on nten aten day daytrin trip to mantl manti on court matters yesterday morning ho he also so had b iness before the state utilities commission in the matter of the late mrs maude A Pa palmer lilier better jump into that aliv flivver er and come in to the shows saturday and monday nights next the skyscrapers and tho the kokeris Ko herig heris and kellys are the two numbers to be seen they will give lve you something total kand land laugh about for |