Show COUNTY commissioners COMMISSION EKS HOLD MONTHLY MEETING eel q the board of county era els lital its ils regular monthly w livet elink eling tuesday with with bar tori and johnson present ory usual gist of business carile came up for 01 action and the meeting was waa a short shori one A lease ease wai was glyen ayen for n ninety noty nine years to tile the state on a lot in to tobe be used for the purpose of erecting machine sheds and tool houses in which to keep the state road property an appropriation of from the county road funds was ordered to wi fi be expended on one mile of road cast from the nixon corner lending leading to ucolo bucolo NOT ICE OF SALES SALE berkins feet north R L and beg rods west of the SE corner of sec 25 11 1 tp 33 S R 23 93 ES E S L ba M then thence ceN N feet pursuant to tho the provisions of sec section 80 ft N 5 ft E 13 1316 i 6 of the compiled laws jaws ot of bet ft S jt ft JW 1106 1105 utah 1917 91 i as amended by chapter ft S 18 1815 1 5 ft E 13 2 f ft t of the session laws of utah 1921 and in accordance with a ri resolution solution of to beg bes 3 acres ah ho 0 board of county commissioners cohnn monticello coop co op nielson G of san juan county state of utah N J 11 beg ft north of passed and adopted at a regi regular Ilar neet meet the south vt t cor of see sec 25 ng ing of the haid buld board of county commissioners MT T tp 33 SM S R 23 E S L M ners held on the 1st ast day g of f then coW I 1 ft thence N april 1930 by which aich r resolution esolat dav on i it t 80 ft thence E ft wa was a determined let that the said county thence south 80 ft to of san juan state of utah has 1 acre tax deeds for the real property mcalister IcA hster chas D S hereinafter described which sai said dreal real SE SEA NSE state estate has heretofore been sold for sec 15 tp 34 S R 28 E delinquent taxes and has haq not been res L M acres deemed notice is hereby given Riv enthat abat mcalister isabelle of the said board of county commis sec 22 tp 34 S of R 26 bitners of san juan county state of E S L 31 acres utah will sell for cash rt public stevens J E nei N auction lie tion at the front door of the SEII SEA seasel see Sec 6 tp P 35 S R county court housein houe in sar san 24 east ast S L M juan county state of utah at 10 acres 1 I a m on oll saturday may nielson kielson shirley P F SE sea 14 19 1030 0 the fo following lowing described real sec 18 tp 35 S R 23 east property which when sold f S L M acres as aforesaid was taxed in name johnson james P beg of the persons indicated in each ft south 89 deg W of a instance point 2162 ft north of the ya cor of section 27 tp 36 S of R 22 east S L M murphy amber J NE NEA ia thence north ft south SW IA SE IA NW 14 SE sevi 14 89 deg west it ft SE south ft north 89 SW section deg east ft to begin 23 twp tap 27 south ringe rang ning ing I 1 acre 23 E S L M acres 15 1584 84 nielson n ida P south of bronson branson geo A EE of the of section 10 E esea 12 SE 14 section 10 20 tp 37 R S R 22 east S L acres SE sei U ftp M 80 acres 2321 SWA S SWU W 14 mcdonald J L lots lota 2 and 3 SE sei section 11 acres in block 9 bluff townsite I 1 N survey plat A section bertion 14 hunt john L lots I 1 and 2 15 acres all in twp tap 28 in in block 14 bluff townsite S R 25 E S L M survey plat A johnson joseph A sly clint see sec section bention 28 23 EE see sec 22 all in see sec 33 31 tp tp 35 S R 25 east S L 28 S R 25 E acres acre AT acres rayl ray dr wt W NE section ot 9 emil section 2 tp 29 S R 24 E tp ti 35 south R 25 E S L acres IT state land certificate street E H N A bwll section no acres 15 16 tp 29 S R 24 hanson R L awu vj see sec 1 ea east t S L dr 80 acres tp 26 29 S R RI 24 E S si L M start stewart melvin N 4 sa S acres section 22 tp 29 S R 23 herring mrs 1 M P north E S L AT NO acres 1702 2 0 west quarter t er of section 9 wilson wm win S SWU tp 29 S R 24 E S L M 22 I 1 VJ 2144 acres 1 1 hk eai hissong bruce 23 E S L dr IGO acres arcq lots a 45 4 5 NESE see sec 20 lafite R G der bei rods tp 28 south R 25 E S S of NIA N c cor or see sec 36 tp L M nai 32 S R 23 E S L BI christensen N ji beg at af the th thence e nce W 2346 feet S 0 NE corner comer of lot 4 in block deg 27 min NV 2215 ft 4 monticello townsite survey E it ft N 0 deg 27 win irin and running thence E ft N 81 deg 38 min min south 1075 ft thence W E ft N 0 deg 27 min 1608 ft threce N 1075 ft E ft N 84 deg 30 min thence east 1608 ft to beginning E ft E ft N 0 deg 27 min E 1421 f feet e et nielson delia deila beg agat at the to tn be beginning inning acres NW MW corner ain of block nini v K lafite R G E eswa aa S W 44 monticello townsite survey SW 1 SW WM NW iSEA 14 and running thence E section 27 township 32 ft thence S ft S R 23 east S L A M thence west it ft thence acres north ft to beginning 11 36 2 lafite R G N NE 14 lyman A R lot 3 in block edwi II 11 E survey no 1 blanding townsite sur pro 06 section 28 tp 32 S R 23 east S L al acres jonis ones vey marvin I 1 W begian clawson W A ea E section ing at the southeast corner 28 tp 32 S R 25 E of block 18 blanding townsite S L M 2 macres 28 62 survey and running mastellar Ma E L see sec thence N ft thence 30 tp 32 S R 25 E S west ft thence S S L M acres ft thence east ft to nixon nivon eileen SEU seit see 26 20 beginning tp 33 south range 25 cooley lovina P beg NW W east S L M acres 1 ri or cor block 27 blanding koher keller mabel D NW navi va townsite survey thence S neat see sec 8 tp 33 ft thence E ft range 24 E S L M 40 thence N ft thence acres ac 1016 W ft to beginning 1709 tallman W L NW N adams john E beg at the v swi see sec 15 WE NE corner of blk 48 blanding tp 33 S R 24 E S L M townsite survey run acres ping ing thence south ft wood alice heirs S va thence crice west ft thence NEI NE HSEi see sec 19 north 1118 ft thence east tp 33 S R 24 E S L BI to beginning 1640 no 71 1 acres au 7 L lyman jos JOB A lot 1 in young alas alaska k a beginning B block man 1 in t the he ly lyman man addition 40 rd ads s east and 80 rods to the blanding townsite south of northwest corner 1157 see sec 21 tp 33 S R 24 A r F lyman jos A lot 2 in S L M thence east 55 boc block 2 of the lyman addition ids thence south 80 rods to the blanding townsite thence west 55 rods 1365 thence north 80 rods lods black chloe chloc lot 2 in bio block A to beg 28 acres 2814 i 1 oi of tile the lyman addition to lafita R G beg at the the blanding townsite east 24 car cor of see 22 tp hurst geo A jr lot I 1 in 33 S R 23 E S L dr block 3 and lot 1 in block thence north 1197 feet 4 of the lyman addition to thence west 1338 feet the blanding townsite 1365 thence south 1197 feet laman jos A lot I 1 in thence cast 13 38 feet to block 5 of the lyman addition beginning 37 acres 1513 to the blanding townsite aall vos narcisso SW IA 1910 1091 seat see sec 28 street E H SS of EIA EI see sec 32 tp 28 S R 24 E SW see 33 tp 33 R S R S L dr IGO acres iari B 24 E S L 11 II containing terns terms nf f maln cash lawful amny acres on on of the e united states of america tho the redd myrtle P northeast board ar d reserves s t the h e r right igar t to 0 reject quarter of sec 12 tp na n all all b bids adare n and serve t to 0 w withdraw i mhd r from not salo sale S R 23 E S L BI 1 any of the said tracts for which no i in acres 1 16 sufficient bid is made al goeb asinjo pink bet beg 5 given by order of the R oard board of ot ids routh of ahr th EIA ei c ir rf f county commissioners of san juan see sec 21 tp 31 3 S R 21 23 E county state of etall S L M thence south 26 23 2 3 1 dated this ast 1st dav of april 1930 rods rod s theace west 80 rods SEAL PRANK FRANK HALTS HALLS thence north 26 23 2 3 rods lods county clerk th thence en c e e past 80 rods to beg date of first cation april 24 13 3 a acres c re R 1231 1930 date of last publication a tion may moab state bark bei 5 15 1930 rods south of tho the went weft it 0 cor of see sec 24 tp 33 soni of range 23 ent east S L al 1 FOR SATE SALE barred plymouth rock thence a south 0 uth 26 23 2 3 rods eggs toc per retting fetting thence enst east XO rods thence p MRS 11 II E 1 BLAKE n north 0 rth 20 26 23 2 3 rods thence 0 west rods to bog beg 27 T r acres L 2320 sut SIAI ft for kae ehg n jus juan retold leeova h |