Show HIGH SCHOOL MAKES TRIP TO MONTEZUMA last friday and saturday after motoring to dodge point the high school school boys and girls hiked down the canyon visiting all the old cliff dwellings I 1 and a saving such relies relics at as nieces le I 1 of f pottery old corn com cobs fi airow acea heads heads etc the ille first day they visited two oy or i good aal ob gaind some very interesting souvenirs the night was not so well spent as it rained and every bed was arenc ed so they spent most of the night 1 in in wet blankets sitting by the fire the second day they visited joe duck etts place and on the way nay back te tc camp looked at hite resting hieroglyphics on the rocks steps cut into the rocks loading leading to dwellings above were also an interesting sight they hiked back to camp and reached home about 5 considering all they decided they had had a I 1 very enjoyable trip MAUDE REDD |