Show 1 BUNDING BLANDING department mr ar and mrs lynn tyman lyman antei X 0 is bained monda monday y evenin evening in honor ot of 40 mr and mrs platte lyman and mr faw and mrs mra ervin palmr palmer jt at a dinner dr P S St spearman was here sun day on an emergency call and made some five or six examinations for industrious dust dus rious tilous looking young men anen on life insurance while in town garlic carlie adams adami entertained at dinner sunday in honor of mr and mrs platte D lyman covers covais were laid for twelve including the I 1 immediate i members odthe of the families A may day health grogram program was vaa carried out by the school on n that day part of which was for foj each jach student to take to school a health work proved very instructive boboth children and parents the weather this week has boon boen a rather aggravating of ay anything else but summer which we bould bo be expecting in may retarding crop growth and the flow of gating waters all allover over the country coutry aaron harvey and melvin black have gone into the painting and paper hanging business with avowed intentions of painting the town different colors or at least making thiap look somewhat brighter both the Ni elsons and nd bayles sh havo ane ane on an their way to the next camp cam p asahe a afie work ts I at sst last at done hero here after along a long and laborious grind with these small plants lambing will now beth be the favorite diversion of the sheep men dave guymon went out with nith earl j Perk insl ciack u aft this week eiki as trip to hospital with his little boy billie mhd was taken y seier severely ely intestinal influenza the baby was w b much better at the last report guy hurst is farming this year on rather an extensive plan for one man as he has the hyrum porter place leased andl and one hundred and twenty acres ready forbears for beans and one hundred eighty acre fal lowing for fall fait wheat adelbert redd adjoining him ba has li a large acreage prepared ja foi cros crops also the young brothers will plant them the nielson field at devil canyon to beans and we understand eliat joo joe palmer is going in for beans in iii a big way since he bought a tractor although water vater looks very short jo fo the wet farms we hope the dry banners fa amers will be able to ito reap as they sow with great expectations earl perkins has a contract to do de liver gasoline oil and supplies to io the placer miner on the colored ricci ile he will run a two man outfit with some ten or twelve mules from clay hill where the truck will meet him he has ordered gas cans to fit thi packs with a capacity of ten gallons each or twenty gallons gallo iii per mule the th wedding shower party of mr and mrs ervin guymon proved very popular as the whole town and a goodly representation from the entire county were in attendance bounteous gifts showed the high hagl esteem of many friends and everyone expressed themselves as having a splendid time Platte lyman and his sister sarah came home tor for a visit ailt earv early in the week combining business and pleas f ure mrs platte lyman who lini bat been visiting her sister mrs J ernest adams and the lyman family foi some some time returned with him as did miss miff sarah to salt lake the clymans will go to twin falls fallo idaho idabo where th they 0 y are just locating president way davne me V F 7 add dd ant nt to 0 0 last saturday taking alvin ard and bud black with him to the track meet altere fe heard the bey saying much about their victory over oer there but they are very modest ane na perhaps did some good work which has not been advertised ai yet bul bu you just get gel ready for a good show ing in from these two speed models later when they have had time to train in good the davanza clubs regular meet ing in g was held wednesday afternoon at the home of mrs J earnest adams it ii was a social session sessio it and the members spent a pleasant afternoon playing towing the prize was carried away by y Mi margaret rgaret perkins anna redd julia allen alien louise redd kedd and garda adams ali the hostess were present the next session will be in the form of a weiner roast |