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Show ' PATTERNSjk I FRED I $MIEH Sr1 Every Wednesday Night 'jUr WITH 1 KENNY BAKER PORTLAND HOFFAl ?fc AL OOODMAN'S . I Vi ORCHESTRA 1 U TjAsV THE TEXACO 1 1W 1 I WORKSHO, ,PIS y The jerkin can also be made to contrast with odd skirts, the skirt to go with sweaters and jackets and the blouse to be worn with suits and jumpers. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1296-B Is designed de-signed for sizes 8. 10, 12. 14 and 16 years. Size 10 Jerkin and skirt require ls yards 54-inch material; 2b yards 35-inch. Blouse with long sleeves requires lg yards of 35-inch material: short sleeves, 1U yards. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Street San Francisco C ii. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern. Pattern No Size Name Address TT IS just like big sister's, that is why this jerkin, skirt and blouse outfit will be so dear to the heart of your teen-age daughter! She'll enjoy starting off to school in it the jerkin buttoned down the side, the skirt smoothly flaring and the blouse fresh and clean! Pattern No. 1296-B is the kind you know you can't go wrong with. You can make the skirt and jerkin in a jlong wearing corduroy, tweed, plaid wool or gabardine and make up a set of blouses in washable cottons (and one in wool jersey, for j extra warmth). GAS OH STOMACH May eiclte the Heart action At the firat pipn of distress smart men and women depend on Belpans Tablets to set gas free. No laxative laxa-tive but made of the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief of pastric hyperacidity. If the FIRST TRIAL doesn't prove Bell-ana better, return bottle to ua and receive DOUBLE Money Back, g&c A gift within a gift is the new Christmas gift humidor package of Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco now being featured at local dealers. deal-ers. The handsome wrapping of this package conceals a real glass humidor filled with Prince Albert. The humidor is a welcome gift for any pipe-smoker not to mention the choice tobacco inside it. Prince Albert also is available in the one pound tin, specially wrapped as a gift. Take care of the pipe-smokers pipe-smokers on your Christmas list with Prince Albert The National Joy Smoke. Adv. tin- mmi finti - L-"'' Salt lotei i - ) ".j Wr P" Range from $2.00 to $4.00 Single f , 7 j y'::i-iMr 200 ROOMS-RADIOS FOR EVERY ROOMi &i:Wr 200 mE BATHS M"fem i ; I r pr All West Exposure Rooms Air -Conditioned f Garage f.sjt:" ifjffljjr new $50,000 mm' i '" "" Sarin J yjr COFFEE SHOP Wt t fCtsV Free, a Grand Cook Book Standard Brands, Inc., Dept. W, 691 Washington Street, New York City, have prepared a cook book containing dozens of delicious recipes for those who bake at home. It may be had absolutely free by dropping a post card to Standard Brands at the above address, ad-dress, requesting that it be mailed to you. Adv. r('0v In SALT LAKE CITY THE : IW 1IJSE ; jr ' ' : 1 HOTEL '' Choice of theDiscriminatingTraveler WxvSTxt i tt&t ,t ; ;nfl 400 ROOMS 400 BATHS :: i Rates: $2.00 to $4.00 ; Our $200,000.00 remodeling and refurnishing program has made available the finest hotel accommodations in the ' . West AT OUR SAME POPULAR PRICES. CAFETERIA rZTrZcT i DINING ROOM BUFFET J D,NE DANCE 4 ? The Beautiful MRS. J. H. WATERS, President Z Monoae MIRROR ROOM J.HOLMAN WATERS and W.ROSS SUTTON VERY SATURDAY EVENING INDIGESTION does not harm the heart, but it can make one mighty uncomfortable. If gas seems to distend stomach, causing that embarrassing embar-rassing "gurgling" and' crowding, try ADLA Tablets. They contain Bismuth and Carbonates for QUICK relief. Druggists Drug-gists have ADLA Tablets. A HAVE SUCH - ' -I L FLAVOR. I NEVER . f t 'j ' J" you AND ME V GET TIRED OF V ' v' . " -A BOTH. CAMELS J I SMOKING CAMELS 4 ARE MILDER, TOO- -X J , ' t LESS NICOTINE J '' , SS-V f ' IN THE SMOKE J' jt, THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS J J 28 LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes r,. ' !; j'j tested less than any of them according to independent ACL1"''''''-'' ''"'z- 1 scientific tests of the smoke itself! ... 't. - (H A T f VJ-THE CIGARETTE VJtlLXVjLiC JLi 0F COSTLIER TOBACCOS |