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Show Easy-to-Make Slip Cover Brightens a Faded Sofa rOOD-BY, old-furniture blues! Make a slip cover like this for your worn sofa using a colorful flower-splashed chintz and the whole room has a bright, new look! Making a cover is easy the pin-on pin-on way. No pattern nee-Jed! Simply Sim-ply lay fabric on sofa and cut to fit. Our 32-page booklet tells In detail with step-by-step diagrams how to cover chairs, sofas and auto seats the pin-on way. Describes De-scribes making of French, welted and bound seams, box pleats, swag flounces; suggests fabrics, colors. Send your order or-der to: READER-HOME SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents in coin for your i copy of HOW TO MAKE SLIP COVERS. Name , Address v'N If your skin Is chapped, you will be delighted with the effect of Mentholatum applied to the stinging, sting-ing, red, swollen parts. Mentholatum quickly cools and soothes the Irritation, Irrita-tion, assisting Nature to more quickly quick-ly heal the Injury. Mentholatum la also a most soothing and effective application for other minor Bkla ARE m Bawdi tuhhosut? Tho try kindness 1 First ot all 70a c&n't xpect them to act unless yon giro them chanca. Most people make sore to get S meals a day. Bat they never think of slrlnf their bo-wela regular time (daily) lor yacoation. It you've neglected TODS bowels ontil they finally became stubborn and unwilling to act, ask your druggist lor AOLERIKA. It la an effective blend ot S arminativea and 3 laxatives giving DODT.LE action. Gas is expelled and bowol action follows surprisingly fast. After that, make np your mind to give yonr bowels 0 or 10 minutes time at regular hour, daily. Your druggist has ADLERIKA. rFGRWQEi1EN ONLY If you suffer from monthly cramps, headache, backache, nervousness and distress of "irregularities" caused by functional monthly disturbances dis-turbances try Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound famous for relieving pain and nervous feelings of women's "dlfncult days." Taken regularly Lyd la Pinkham's Compound helps build up reactance against such annoying symptoms. Follow label directions. WORTH TRYING 1 WNU W 4541 Tnrl.iy's ppularilT V of Doon'i Pxlit, ailcr ' . many years of world-A world-A wnJc usr, curtly must 1 m p bp acc pu-f ai evidence Izlof suttrfactory uc. J And favorable public j oiiinion Btippnrts that f of the alile physicians who trtt the value of Jjnan's under enardrn I:i L'i r .t t ' j ry cor (iition;. These physicians, too, apjirove evry -word of advertising you rrm, (he r.hjective of which ib only tr rerointnend lJoan's iJil!s it a grM diurflic trraimrnt frr fli'nrdrr of the kitlnry functi'iti and for relief of the pain and worry it cau'-fS. If more people were aware of how the Vidneyi must constantly renxive waMe that cannot stay in the blond without injury in-jury to health, iWe would 1 belter tin-derstandiii(r tin-derstandiii(r of why the wh'-le body iufT-rs when kidnf ya ;n and diuretic medication medica-tion would be more often employed. Burning, scanty or t'o fjenunt urination urina-tion inmcfimei warn of disturbed kidney function. You may guffT n;t;:i-init ba left' le-ft' he, peri 'tent hend-T he, alia -1: of diz-Zincsi, diz-Zincsi, p"t tir.tr P nii'Mt, s we! line, pufh-tx-si under the eyes feel wciit, Derrous, all played out, t,se Ijoan't Pills. It U better to rely on a medicine that has won world -wide nc-claim nc-claim than on nomrthmi? leai lavorabiy known. Ask your neighbor I |