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Show - - 1 England Plumbing and Heating j 3329 Highland Drive HU5-3371 ! Steel Pipe I l2" Galvanized j and , I 34" Galvanized 214 ft ! In 21 -foot lengths. J Plastic Pipe j $736 V2-inch I perlOO-ft. and j 34-inch $-M90 j I I per 100-ft. j 40-gal. Hot Water Heater Glass-lined. Ten-year Waranty! - : S119.95-VALUE Now-only 9495 STOCK CLiffiKi ! We are slashing prices on all Summer Stocks to make room for Fall Merchandise! LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS! 3 ONLY GARDEN HOSE Bamboo Rakes 18" Exter Model Resinite Gold - WHILE THEY LAST! Pennsylvania Stripe Brand . . ,v. Reel-type 50' 7-16" Reg. $6.95 .tt LAWNS, LEAVES Power Mower SPECIAL 449 Regular $121.95 5Cr i2 Reg $8.95 ONLY NOW 9950 SPECIAL 49 W ea Come in and browse around for Items not listed here . . . I j SPECIALS! TIME TO PLANT REVERE WARE LAWNS NOW! 1 ,A-quat' Sauce pan now!V NEW LOW prices! on Porter- We also have a complete selection of Walton's Velvet Lawn Seed: KITCHEN WARE, TV-Snack Sets. fib. Reg. $10 NOW l30 other POTS' PANS' GLASSES' and 3 lbs. Reg. 4 35 NOW 373 10-quart Galvanized Pails 5 lbs. Reg. 7 0Q NOW G00 Regular' price $1.10 10 lbs. Reg. 13;60 NOW ll50 WHILE THEY LAST-7!) Merion Blue Grass n , A 1 lb. Reg. $3.25 NOW 233 RENTALS 5 lbs. Reg. 18.00 NOW 1075 nnrr power mowers, tools, spread- 1 JlLIr ers, ROLLERS, FLOOR WAXERS and USE OF SPREADER AND ROLLER ,Tmt1(,(pvv, POWER CULTIVATORS. WITH PURCHASE OF SEED! mmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmmimmmk it See us for Fishing and Hunting Equipment . . . " We sell Fishing and Hunting Licenses. A HAROLD'S HAHWARE 4 . 1952 East. 27th South and Granger hopping Center open 9 to 9 Daily 27th South Store open 9 to 3 Sundays 0 ! 3 ' I :": " ' . y Choose carefully the folks J who finance your home! X X f X 'l" x : i X j - X X"XNX?,,v"v " " " vV V " """ vvv i X' X' I It's important! Be sure you can select from S the full range of FHA and conventional loans, that you get i experienced help, and the best terms to fit your needs, $ I Where ? Just decide, "For my money, it's I'l Xw v.v, l . ; ? v: I Sugar House Branch of ! WALKER J BANK rf The friendly bank Sk&ISJ N. that knows our ftfiT3 -i " ' L I '1 I community best. f I QrTtffSV ff-VL, I ' ::j Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation j;! : Member federal Reserve System x :;:,Wi.iV.AV,. i |