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Show Furniture mart Remodeling Near Completion One of the largest expansions programs in Sugar House the "past month is the new addition to the pioneer furniture mart, Granite Furniture Company. The new building of the new addition ad-dition on. McClelland will adjoin the original building at 1050 East First South. ments also will be housed on the main floor in the new addition, near the side entrance. Mr. Richards Rich-ards said the store would have almost al-most five times as many rolls of :arpet on display in the new de-artment de-artment almost 200 rolls. "We (Continued on Page 12) Furniture Mart (Continued from front page) A basement and three floors, totaling to-taling 35,000 square feet, will be ready for occupancy and opened to the public shortly after October 1, according to Henry Richards. Shipments are already being made from the south end of the building which houses the new shipping department. de-partment. The drapery and carpet depart-will depart-will have the nicest carpet department depart-ment and selection of items anywhere any-where around here," he told the Independent. The new second floor will be used to display bedrooms, dining room and other "case" or "suite" furniture. The entire third floor will be used for warehousing. Scheduled for completion by autumn, aut-umn, Mr. Richards said, are several sev-eral remodeling projects. These include a new stone front on the old building, moving the credit department to the space formerly occupied by the shipping department, depart-ment, with appropriate decoration and redecoration of the entire main floor. The remodeling job has also included in-cluded a public service to shoppers shop-pers in the whole area as the Richards Rich-ards have added public rest rooms which will occupy a large area in the basement of the new addition. This has been a long-talked of feature fea-ture for Sugar House and has at ! last become a reality. ' |