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Show Utah, Calif., Oregon and Washington, Washing-ton, some suggestions for good party organization, and stressed the need to make party stands apparent to all so there would be no confusion as to aims. Young Demos Hear Morse Utah representatives of the Utah Young Democrats just returned from a trip to Portland, Oregon where they helped plan party plat-Turrn plat-Turrn planks and listened to Oregon's Ore-gon's Senator Wayne R. Morse (D), tell why he refused to vote on the hot civil rights bill. i Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mitchell and Leon Ward, heard Sen. Morse explain that "the bill was too watered-down watered-down to do any good," and that he abstained from voting, hoping another bill would come along. Sen. Morse also gave the assembly, as-sembly, which represented Idaho, |