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Show South East Independent Sugar House, Utah Thursday. September 12. 1957 Page 5 the chilaren with us on the road makes everything perfect and with Debbie skating with us, we're tickled." The Williams family: makes each town their home and! Pat feels the housework is easier. You'll meet the Williams family when Holiday opens September 13 in Salt Lake City at the Fair-grounds Coliseum. 1 The improved rates of yield on your Series E and H savings bonds apply automatically to all bonds purchases on or after February 1, 1957, even though the old table of cash values may be on the back of the bond. 'I " . " 1 P x- - ; - w.v , v.. Holiday on Ice has "Little" Show Stopper The little lady who wins the hearts of the audience and stops he show, wherever HOLIDAY ON ;ICE may be, is a pretty brunette named Debbie Williams. Not one of the other skaters mind, how-ever, and her partner doesn't :mind playing second fiddle to Miss Debbie either. The tiny charmer that gets away with all this "up-staging is just four years old and her partner is her father, John Williams, who is a veteran ice show performer. You'll meet the Williams family when HOLIDAY ON ICE OF 1958 opens at the Fair-grounds Coliseum in Salt Lake Ci-ty on September 13 for a ten-da- y Engagement. Debbie has been skating for a year" now and her appearance in HOLIDAY brings her into the pro-fessional rank. Of course, her mom and dad are real "old" trou-pers for they have been appearing in skating revues since 1950. They 'had started out as roller skates and -- went to Europe .with a big show in 1950. While in Europe, they began to spend their spare time at the outdoor sport resorts and found ice-skatin- g a lot of fun. Within a short time they revised their act for the ice stage and de-cided to stick with silver blades. Little Debbie is actually an ac-complished performer and doesn't have to rely on looking x:ute out on the ice she's a doll and everybody's sweetheart, but she has one feather in her cap, she can skate with the best of them. In Holiday this year, Pebbie does a routine with her dad to musical Selections from "My Fair Lady" and then in the finale she skates with" her mom and dad in a salute to "St. Patrick's Day." John and Pat are probably the happiest couple in the show. "We enjoy skating and that is our liv-ing," says Johnny, "but, having COIFFURES CREATED BY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS IN Wonderful Air-Conditio-ned f Comfort! "In the Heart of Sugarhouse" Free parking HU4-617- 3 Phone in Rear. Permanent Wave including Hair Cut $7.50 Corel's Cream Wave 6.50 Shampoo Set 1.50 The "Friendly" School SHAMPOO AND SET $1,00 FACIAL 1.00 HAIR CUT 75 OIL WAVE 3.50 Satisfaction Guaranteed GAREL'S BEAUTY SALON 1061 East 21st South Pemey's m mrnmimmmi SUGAR OuSE Here's Hot' Tips For Cold Weather: JACKET-U-P FOR FALL j . ( SNUG AS A BUG IN HIS QUILTED PENNEY PARKA Close-fi- t elastic back, dynel trim, thick (Z quilt lining in body, sleeves, hood! O Hood converts, too, lor balmy days. Red, (if w Sizes charcoal, navy, and sage green. w' 4 12' I f & ' RUGGED ATHLETIC JACKET, CONTRASTING LEATHER TRIM Hopped-u- p two-ton- e styling ! . . Terrific (7 Penney tailoring. All o! 100 wool (UfOC melton! Fully rayon lined. Knit collar, gj w-- S3 Sizes culfs, waist. Red, black, and aqua. u 10 O Men's Sizes 10.95 iivi ' Boys' Cowhide I :. " Y'Z M ' ; Trim Jacket 3 All-Wo- ol .Melton-- with Cowhide f saddle and pocket trims. Fully M i!$PWisV Rayon lined- - Roll collar in hravy knit- - : . . LiX motL Bp? "University" Coat viZ- - fv'i'-'- ' J in handsome University Q I . 2QL--l T.. . 5tri'KS- - Sn"g- - 'varm! VAMC50?CM55CSl THE PRICELESS LOOK $298" Pardon the , swipe, but we love the tailored-like-a-man's-sh- irt look of MACSHORE'S Ivy Leaguer. A faithful translation in combed oxford with button-dow- n, button-bac- k collar . . . made mighty comfor-table with easy roll-u- p sleeves. White, pink, blue, beige, grey. Sizes 30 to 38. oj-- iiicjaifiouzz SCMIWINN Cycle Center Joe Fisher's Make it easy on Santa Lay away that Bicycle NOW! Repairs on all makes 2175 South 9th East IN6-397- 1 South East School of Music O Try before you buy Accordion Trial Plan $18.00-VALU- E FOR $10 O 6-w-ks. use of Accordion O All music furnished 2152 South 9th East HU4-125- 1 : |