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Show td.-myji whim I' in II i w i mQVJWmmni. " " 't-ywryv? - '- 1 I . . -n,-- , - - ... ;-. ,,..V. - , ! ." -j: -' - . .1 .. """" ' ' --w ; , ! ' "' - ' " ' - I ti tmm--v--i,m0'm:mtmimme mMm& inartiiii mm i nii' , ruin Unfltn' nil mm riW i, -'tft ' r '-"-'uf-"rrMi.ii 'ihmVJh'if&1"lrm i This architect's illustration is the club house for the newly-designed Willow Creek Country Club. Budgeted at $828,000, the club features an elaborately designed 18-hole golf course, swimming pool, tennis, archery and other sports. It is to be located at about 79th South and Highland Drive. A membership drive is now being conducted. been designed to provide a "pan-! oramic view of the mountains,! twinkling lights of the city, golf ;( course and outdoor terrace." It features a "spacious dining room, elegant cocktail lounge, suites for private parties, women's card room, men's grill, junior room for! teenagers with a soda fountain, and both indoor and outdoor danc-' ing areas." i Members will also be offered first opportunity to purchase any of the 344 choice building lots located lo-cated alongside the golf course, upon completion of club development develop-ment plans. Headquarters for a membership drive, now being conducted, are located at 1108 Deseret building, and will be open Monday thrucugh Friday from 9 till 6 6and frcn 11 to 2 p.m. on Saturday. Newest, fanciest, finest, most , beautiful, plush and ultra-modern" were just a few of the adjectives 1 used by representatives of the newly - proposed Willow Creek Country Club as they described some of the new club's features. To be located on surburgan property pro-perty at about 79th South and Highland Drive, the proposed program pro-gram carries a budget of $828,000. Willow Creek Country Club officials of-ficials described it as being a "club which will, at last, provide Salt Lakers with all the club fa-1 cilities a cosmopolitan city demands." dem-ands." These "facilities" include: j an elaborately designed 18-hole j golf course, described as "the, most challenging in the intermoun-! itain west," a luxurious "Olympic"! size heated swimming pool; tennis, ten-nis, badminton, archery, shuffle-board, shuffle-board, volleyball, ping-pong and croquet. Winter sports include skiing, tobogganing to-bogganing and sleigh-riding, i' An ultra-modern club house has |