Show of the ady school to bo be hold jandard 80 0 1808 1898 in the randolph meeting nondic SESSION singing by the open prayer S singing by the exercises by the infants class recitation bertle bertie 1 IT offman dont crowd duets duet elizabeth and aliza hodges 11 keci loh ada rex bex getting acquainted exercise bass class the life of joseph smith sinith kofl n class joseph smiths first prayer exercises by the primary cla class clas s recitation parley hodges D duet u et tucy lucy and inez fackrell dear father come sit by me 11 recitation vilate allate afeei mckinnon n non continuation class the lite life of joseph smith song little lispers limpers Lis pers 11 class exercise by intermediate class recitation jno M peart gods album articles of faith by class in concert quartette forus todo 11 exercise claw the life ot of the savior I 1 song class with th songs we hall hail that starlit star lit night exercise by 2nd and intermediate class recitation james caldwell birth of joseph smith i exercise class tile the conversion of cornelius i quartette lecture joseph grant the conversion of the united brethren in herefordshire Hereford shire eng 77 lecture jacob peart A people prepared to receive the message of god it toronto can song class song juvenile choir SESSION E exercise xer cise theological class lecture katie katic south the proper methods to adopt in the study of scripture lecture francis corless foreknowledge ore knowledge 11 quartette lecture A G rex box fulfilment fulfillment of ancient prophecy instrumental music lecture mary peart description of ancient babylon song lecture wm win hale dream its ful ailment and relationship to the latter day work duet lecture clyde spencer fulfilment fulfillment of ancient prophecy song class inco inc o |