Show educate year noarch with Casca cascarejo reio candy cathartic oura cure cons constipation t drotor it I 1 CC 0 G 0 fall druggists refund money ADVICE TO DO MINISTERS given by a minister preachers who practise it will preach better wo no class of people is so liable to throat i difficult to preach itna nd concluded to try trouble its as the great class who make up the dr ayers cherry pectoral the first bottle gospel ministry Th the estrEl strain in put upon the gave me great relief the second which I 1 vocal organs b by constant exercise the am now taking has relieved me almost budde change irom rom r a heated building to entirely f ti tirel of all unpleasant symptoms to the cool airm air when hen tile the vocal organs ate are in ministers suffering from throat troubles a tate male of complete rc relaxation the fact act I 1 recommend dr ayers cherry pectoral that eliat a minister feels impelled to use his prevention is better than cure 11 A voice when actors and lecturers would bottle of dr ayers cherry pectoral kept take the needed rest theae tile lie are arc among in ill the house will effectually prevent the regions reasons why Clergy mens sore throat rooting of a cold and its ca consequent u se queaa devel Is known as a special disease the rev into sonic some dangerous malady E V M brawley D D district secretary of tins this remedy lias has no equal in Brouch bronchial lai the american baptist publication society troubles the roost most stab born cases have writes from petersburg pete osbu tg va vai tile the account yielded to its use ilse it 1 14 equally effective of rn an experience of his own which is profitable for asthma croup whooping cough and reading to those afflicted with bronchial uron every disease that attacks the the throat or or other throat troubles the substance lungs for years dr ayers cherry pectoral of the letter is as follows has been put up only in ill large size sire up PETERS bottles at a price a of broo to meet an SURO VA J C ATER co increasing demand for a smaller si sized red package tile the remedy can now be obtained DEAR slits SIRS three months airo affo I 1 took in hall half size bottles bott lei at half price 50 cents A violent cold which resulted in an ail attack send for dr ayers Cu rebook fret ree and of acute bronchitis I 1 put myself under yon will get a clearer idea of the great medical treatment and at the end of two value of dr ayers cherr cherry pectoral address months was no better I 1 found it very J C ayer co howely lowell mass between the great things wo we cannot do ao and the small things wo we will not do tho the danger Is that wo we shall do nothing AM 1 ut 4 N cure for ima has iwon man daw dl cotril do by r D dr r T taft ft 4 lim st mt N K Y no n la ao pure that it will III ae caio 6 bic ry y oase that bobill ho will ord a trial bottle absolutely broo to iry any one afflicted do not wait for extraordinary appo tu nitice for good actions but make use usa of common situations try aromola the breath perfumer only 6 5 cents per package caterpillars trem from six she inches to a foot long are common in the of the th darling river australia orange flavor euln lu u chewing gnat is fine for sale everywhere call forit for it half a womans comans pleasure in buying a pretty pair of stockings cheap is spoiled because she can never bo be perfectly sure thoy they wont crock dont bont tobacco spit and smoke your lite life away to quit tobacco easily and forever bo be ani rang netly ull full of life nerve and vigor talce take noto no to bac tho the wonder worker that makes weal weak men strong all buo or tl luro cuaran teed booklet and laipple tree free address sterling remedy co chicago or now yolk A hen bon has a right to cackle when sho she lays an egg she has sense elou enough h never to lay at a time sledge cigarettes cigarette 20 for 5 acts when a girl says oh dear arI I 1 havo have eaten so much she always puts her hand about a foot too high up to any man VERY VERT MANY KNOW Es ST JACOBS SCIATICA WILL PAY FOR ANY CASE then all must know how easby and ami sorely it CURES ALL PATHS FAIRS of weakness Wea linets in men bien they treat and RHEUMATIC NEURALGIC OR OP fall fait to curt core an omaha company places for the first time before the public a MAGICAL for tho the curo cure ot of lost Vitality Nervous and sexual weakness and restoration of CANDY life force in old and young men no worn out ont french remedy contains no DO F or other harmful drugs it itis is CATHARTIC I a WoNDER wonderful rUl TREATMENT magical in its effects positive in its cure all readers who are suffering buffering from a weakness that baights blights their life causing that mental and physical suffering peculiar to lost man Eby bood should bould write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY no SOU range block omaha neb and they will send you absolutely CURE constipation FREE a valuable paper on these diseases a end and positive proofs of their truly MAGICAL thousands of men who have lost all hope of a care are being restored A ALL by them to a perfect condition this MAGICAL TREATMENT may be taken I 1 DRUGGISTS atheme bt home under their directions or they will pay railroad tare fare and hotel bills to all who mho grefer prefer to go to there for treatment it if they ail to cure they are perfectly reliable FOR 14 0 vegetable have no free prescriptions free cure 0 free sample or C 0 D 1 fake they have sicilian to now ono fal 1 and nna onor ion capital to cure tomoe CD loo iou every case they treat or refund every dollar reviewer EWER kaii 1 1 pr 9 barly 9 ari arg ay loa 00 2 se or their charges may be deposited in 1 earliest les t ile ked boot loo 0 I 1 bismarck Ce czumber Comber umber luc w 6 t bank to ho be paid to them when a cure is anoon V acton etaco 0 effected write them today gray fi dr warns US of old 1 molon ol 01 irm ao 60 A 25 3 brilliant flower seeds llo iso hair and your CURE YOURSELF age worth s for I 1 11 I 1 cent CURES use big S G for or unnatural laugh at the warning ahova 10 fl worth 1 00 we will Q 1 0 1 5 a daya d irritations discharges or ulcerations challenge bal 11 3 great you plant and to led bead ether with wah our A A upon receipt oft of ahta hie notice and ito to P DOS W or of raucous mucous membranes it wo ag 0 wo yo invite conr trade and 2 g painless Palo leBB and not kost boott no w w when hen you yon once try balcers balzers Salz Bal ra Q or rent or POI bOTIOUS coar seeds eoda yon on will nover ept alone with ID 1 N sold 0 I 1 d out em ua or bont in plain wrapper N iovina ill V by prepaid pre paid lor or I 1 J JOHN A bird ro CO tk LA ins na 0 tl 00 ora hotalen hott botti len waid circular rc u I 1 a r aan flent t on requal 11 ORPHINE and WHISKEY HABITS T 0 t 1 write CLAIMANTS to NATHAN FOR FOH PENSION pip as i N i C J T V ft N W opium CURE bill book 11 FREE CHICAGO an a ILL C forrell MY VL I 1 F I 1 BICKFORD BICK tOKU washington D C they I 1 I 1 will ree receive c iva quick replies 13 ath NAI Voli SLOT 1 LU ST I 1 MACHIN ESGet varieties CUT from io up people that dac aceb U ft now new staff cor corps ps prosecuting claims since 18 isa 7 fl 8 of CLUB ROOM ROOK our address sick or J just dontai TILLO OGDEN A CO ise IBI GT T CHICAGO ILL reel feel well NEW DISCOVERY DISCOVER gifts gi ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE JV jaw B quick relief and cubs when answering advertisements kindly removes pimples cures headache dyspepsia and see bend for houll book of end and 10 days cost 1 25 cis ct a box at or by mill mail treatment freo free dr At lUm lulla nUt ua Plen mention tion this raper akira ples free addicts darc dr gosanko bosanko co phila fa r 0 ivi arf iw 11 vi if 11 1 1 hi iii if f OW A ai c v s r y s s s s s s s s s s s s sr s s s s s ys s s s s u is w i 11 n ASK YOUR GROCER 1 IV w w V V 1 FOR C 1 aw V w M w ft w w I 1 STR G w M aw w M w w w I 1 ti w ii w i A N w i IVY fp w I 1 w vf file w w w w w vt w 6 w vf w x 1 C w vf U L ya 1 r d N j CC V EC ON 00 w w xi w st at A BEST IN THE WORLD FOR THE PRICE w vf dierf guaranteed w w w 1 V RETAIL PRICE V V y 0 40 w 5 OZ loc ac 8 oz 1 10 CA oz 07 sec y 9 w ft w xii vf U S baking baking y powder co w 4 w w oil UTAH SALT r w 00 0 0 IW 0 W 00 0 0 OW ow aw 0 aw 0 MW SS er lz C AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS Is we are asserting in the courts our rif ht to the exclusive use of the word CASTORIA anil and CASTORIA CASTOR Lt as our trade mark I 1 dr samuel pitcher ot of hyannis massachusetts was the originator of 0 PITCHERS CASTORIA the same that has borne and does now bear too the facsimile fac simile signature of CHAS IL FLETCHER ort on every wrapper this is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been used in the homes 0 of the mothers of america tor for olier thirty years look carefully at the wrapper and see that it Is the ki kind n d 1 you 0 U have always bought and has the dignat signature U 1 ot f CHAS 11 FLETCHER on the wrapper no one hag haa authority from me to use MSO my namu except the centaur company compans ot of which cha chaa ii fletcher Is president march 8 1807 samuer SAMUEL D cannot be cured cored by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased Jis eased portion of 0 the ear car there la is only one way to cure deafness and that la Is by constitutional remedies deafness is caused by an Ini inflamed lamed condition of the mucous lining of the nus tach an tube when this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed dearness deafness is the result an and unless the larnin a tion can be t taken aken out int a and d this ube tube res restored cortil to its normal condition hearing will bo be destroyed forever nine ril ie cases out of ten lire are caused by catarrh which Is unit nothing 1 ing but an inflamed condition of the mu mucous cons surfaces W we will give one hundred dollars for rny any case ot of deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by halls catarrh cure send for circulars free F J CHENEY CO toledo 0 sold by haus family are the best Is if illoyd deep clean blood means a clean skin no beauty without it cathartic clean your blood and keeps it clean by the lazy liverani liv erand driving all impurities puri u gitles ties from tho the body boin bogin today to day to ea banish n ish pimples bolls boils bl bloth othes cs block blackheads heads and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Casc Callea arots beauty lor for ten cents ill all druggists satisfaction guaranteed loc 50 TO CURE CUKE A COLD IN ONE alc DAT ty take tahe laxative dromo quinine ta tablets ets all druggists refund the money it it ic falls fails tokuro to cure zo aft N I 1 I 1 F both tho method and results when syrup of figs figg 0 is taken it is pleasant and refreshing 0 to the taste and acts gently yet I 1 promptly n on the K kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effect effectually nally dispels colds head bead aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs figa is the only remedy of its kind ev ever cr produced pleasing to the taste and acceptable cep table to the stor stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its ita effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable 0 substances its many ex excellent cellen t qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading lea leading dinc druc druggists 1 any reliable druggist arbo may not have it on bandhill hand band will procure it ii promptly for any one who wishes to aryit try it do not accept any substitute california flo FIG SYRUP COP CO SAN SAH CAL LOVIS louisville VILLE NY KY NEV YORK NY HY A PUZZLE MAP OF THE I 1 UNITED STATES I 1 SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS 4 UPON RECEIPT OF FIVE TWO GENT CENT STAMPS TO COVER THE COST OF WILING MAILING BEST instructor in geography t ever seen interests the children and M teaches them the geography of their own country in a pra practical and bastin lasting manner not more than one sent to one address write to P F H LORD general J passenger csenger and ticket agent 4 chicago great western railway QUINCY BUILDING CHICAGO ILL SZ Lf lafaj AJ CLOVER SEED growers pro wo of grass and cawyer seeds in IMA creX a lifetime MM so wa in april will alto a crop in july moth it tree for aioo 1 po and this notice JOIN JOHN A JL SHED V 0 lia ata W ta A I 1 ITU n D awo W want your stories poems and AUTHORS all I 1 nullo boole mso best prices itic lOSO stamp AutI lOrs and writers un onca ia ALL ELSE rails fails neat bust cough syrup aoud ceo 1760 in alme br W N U salt lake no when answering kindla Di mention cation this raper to care constipation JF forever oreTer taho cabarets candy Cat cathartic bartle loc it ifa C CC C C falls fails to cure druggists refund money mr airs wina lows syrup for eb children ildri n teeth the gums gu ins reduces inglam autt lon allays pain cures wind colic no a to ob tor for fifty cents guaranteed t bacco babit habil cure makes weak men E trung strong blood pure waft boc 1 all druggists |