Show sweet clover clever as ag a honey plant 11 R boardman in gleanings I 1 am surprised that any beekeeper bee keeper of experience who has had a reasonable opportunity ot of observing should report sweet clover anything less than a first class claes honey plant and yet I 1 am aware that there are a few ew adverse reports coming from very reliable sources I 1 am quite sure yes I 1 think I 1 know from my own experience and observations with this plant extending through a period of a dozen years or more that it is unsurpassed and equaled only by the noted alfalfa and t these hese convictions are supported by the opinions ot of some of the most practical and reliable beemen bee men ot of my acquaintance the last season was the first for several years when white clover alone yielded me any surplus and this too with the fields white with its bloom in every direction as far as bees could fly and yet I 1 should not be warranted in claiming that white clover was not a good honey plant it has a worldwide world wide reputation that is unimpeachable it if it were no more abundant than its cousin it would hardly have gained this enviable reputation certainly not in the last few years |