Show garden city gleanings editor the round having been taken sick I 1 am un unable able to write so have got a friend to write a few lines the weather has been very cold frost filling falling almost continually for the last two weeks until today which is beautiful and clear although it lias seemed very cold the tho thermometer has not registered lower than five degrees below zero and thi lake is not yet jet frozen froze n ON 0 er the health of the people is good there being no sickness in town at present except myself that I 1 know of I 1 am not seriously ill and expect to be about again in a few days have had a severe attack of lagrippe we have a new postmaster here and the post ollic t was moved last saturday evening from the residence of mrs 11 B to the new store of geo E pope the new P INT mrs has bias kept the postoffice post office here for ten years and during that time has given general satisfaction to the people here tumors to the contrary notwithstanding stories Storie have shave been circulated to the effect that mall mail had been tampered with and letters opened and read in the office lefore being delivered which has been proven beyond a doubt to be utterly false and without foundation both to the satisfaction of the people and parties circulating the gt stories ories the people here would have been beg glad to have retained her in the post postoffice office but our political boss decreed otherwise and we of necessity must submit to lo the inevitable cook bros hai haie e just received a new instalment installment of roods goods and more expected via Ilont montpelier peller business prospects are brightening with them geo il 11 hall our hardware merchant has gone to montpelier on b business usi thomas sims went to montpelier this morning with a load of grain emil Vale rians has accepted a position in the office of if the montpelier examiner and has moved his family over there for the winter canyon work is progressing nicely and prospects are arc good for a continuation of the work during the greater part of winter the conjoint meeting of our Y X and Y L associations last tuesday evening was a great success james sims cut his hand badly while splitting he was holding a block of wood with nith his left hand band while the ax with his right which Is a common but dangerous practice A party of our young men are preparing to start for star valley on a trapping elpe liton they will start tor tomorrow morn morning ng the G C D A are expecting to give theatres theartres the atres here on the and alst In instants 11 II C garden city utah january TO CURE A COLU COLL I 1 IN N ONE DAY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund the money it if it tails fails to cure |