Show mrs C J call is visiting I relatives at woodruff for all kinds of GROC GROCERIES ERtES go to spencer bros for a good line of DRY GOODS go to spencer bros old newspapers for sale at this office 25 cents per hundred attorney leroy N french went to woodruff on business tuesday mrs reuben norris corris has been ill with rheumatism but is recovering nicely mrs hodman lias has been seriously ill with inflammation of the bowels she is now on the mend visiting elders dark clark and morgan of bear lake were speakers in the meeting house bouse sunday calders sonson sons of salt lake city make no extra charge for putting butth g musical instruments down at evans evanston t on 2 mckinnon johnson have a large stock of BOOTS and SHOES which v ill be sold out at reduced prices the coop co op wagon machine co montpelier has just received the ard 3rd ar carload of the genuine common sense pattern sleds mr and mrs A lu hale of atton afton wyo wo pissed passed through here last saturday for logan where they will do temple work why remain sick or in pain when you tan lan bo be cured by using pain paint price 25 and 50 cents per bottle ET E T pope sole agent randolph utah help home industry by purchasing your harness and from lem mckinnon prices cannot can not be beaten anywhere for the same class ot of work when you buy an organ or piano get thebert th the best ebest alie kimball esthe is the best bast and took the gold medal at the worlds fair calders sons keep them in stock Z W beeman expects to revisit the scenes of his childhood in michigan in the near future if dame rumor is ig correct zone will not return alone wyoming press I 1 say I 1 dad ad if you irive hive any influence your growing son compel him to quit smoking cigarettes otherwise send him to the reform school or to the insane asylum salina press the deseret news weekly or semiweekly and ane ROUNDUP ROUND UP per year the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake Tribu tribune ricaud and trin THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ull per year the semiweekly semi seini weekly salt lake herald and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP per year we call the attention of our readers to the enlarged adv of lem mckinnon alio makes such superior work harness harnes sJ jn n this ibis issue lem believes in the free use of printers ink and is made of the sort of stuff that builds up big towns and cities he is deserving of 0 all home patronage and should get it |