Show ONE BUCKET OF DIRT dirr ono hundred bonnil Pon nil of dirt yielded Till cl in ga i 1 new york jan 21 24 A personal representative of james R keene has been in the klondike since early last fall mr keene has received two letters from him de detailing talling the scarcity of p provisions aro and the general dis comforts the houses are poor and the cold is intense but the health of the community comm community unit y is good mining continues as effectual as is is possible under the weather conditions averaging up the district winter returns the yield seems to be about 35 a cubic yard claims are in great demand on the el dorado and surrounding gro groups some having been sold at an average price each mr keenes representative saw one bucket of earth weighing not over pounds which yielded in gold the community will require an enormous amount of 0 supplies and there is need of all kinds of machinery used for minin mining |