Show presbyterian story washington jan 31 21 the reports that have been coming to the war department part ment went Lecent decently ly indicating that there is no scarcity of food in the klondike country have taken another turn aud and the last reports go to 10 show that there is already great scarcity there with wilh prospects of worse to come the following from a private letter written by rev kev 11 II S young presbyterian missionary dated dawson city december 1 was furnished the secretary of war and differs from the opinions generally expressed by persons recently arriving ari iving on the coast both as to lo food supplies and good order the strike for something to cat is already distressing thieving is frequent quen t and no mans cache is safe when lie he is away from it the dufferin sull cring for want of food is likely to be very graat before spring aprin sp rin 11 |