Show A BIG FALL IN PIANOS ORGANS shrewd buyers buyer from all sections taking advantage of the cut s made by D 0 calders sons son salt lake city ONE HUNDRED SOLD IN 12 ilal DAYS S we lve have for many beant riot only carried a large stock of pianos anil and organs here la in salt lake for our regular r retail tail trade but we ave have done a large wholesale or jobbing business all over the western country and shipping to agents to sell ferns for us we have now fully decided to discontinue it and s sell 11 to our patrons giving them the wholesale prices this proposition has never been made I 1 in n th before and ma may never be mafe made again you can now nov purchase a piano or organ on easy pa ments for less money than many dealers can buy them for cash our stock consists of the very best pianos and organs that money an anil and d brains can produce and a guarantee will accompany cco bany each instrument heoffer we offer high ih grade cabinet grand pianos that retail everywhere at to for and terms 25 cash and 10 per month brand new organs latest styles latest improvements wot worth th 95 to for 50 66 75 84 and terms 10 to 15 cash and 5 per month we also carry a fine and large stock of if guitars mandolins banjos violins band instruments strings sheet 1 music music books and everything known in music this offer will continue for 30 d days ays 0 only 1 na I 1 we will ship goods anywhere to reliable parties on the above terms for further particulars and cata bogues write at once to D 0 CALDERS SONS salt lake city |