Show 1 STARVING ISLANDERS gather li IA groups til in fr runt 0 tit 0 of nurea egill lu culm for new york nov 21 in every town ton n an n anba where there are american cit eizens groups 0 of starving islanders gather every day in front of the houses of those americans americana and beg for tile the crumbs that full fall from the tables thai the americans have anything an on their tables from which crumbs could fall fail i IF due to tile the relief fund of S 00 voted last spring by congress there are 1 1400 too americans Ameri cabs on the relief fund list according to a bitite st mode made by consul barker wh who 0 is stationed at sagua bagua about 10 people are being kept alive in cuba by these rations distributed for the support of 1400 in the town of sagua bagua a person walking through the principal streets street about 11 a m or 6 p in can tell the bouses louses of american citizens by the crowds of starving creatures patiently waiting at the door to get even a mouthful of rice or even a crust ol of bread the most pitiful sight is to see sec the babies in ili arms hardly alive and ali the small children with their thin little lems legs and arms all indicating laek lack of nourishment and death by starvation in the town of sagua bagua where the i is a population of about the death list for five years before the war was a year in the month ol oi august of this year persons died of starvation alone not including the deaths from other causes |