Show TOO MANY foreigners immigration to receive congressional attention washington nov 20 senator wil I 1 liam B E chandler of new hampshire in nn an interview regarding legislation at the coming session of congress said I 1 senator lodge proposes pushing the measure looking to the restriction of immigration and of demanding its passage without delay bills proposing to bar the undesirable foreign el element ement from entering into this country are now pending in both house and senate donate and there is no doubt that the two houses will be able to agree upon a bill the house measure lays restrictions on what are arc called birds of passage but the sonata senate bill does not tho the class referred to is that which live along the northern and aad southern border lines of the country and embraces mexicans and canadians Canadia net who work in the united states but live in their native countries this part of the bill in my judgment eventually will bo be omitted and the senate bill which applies to immigrants from european and oriental countries passed some action I 1 believe will bb taken looking to the relief of the cuban insurgents of course tho the republican policy will largely depend on the presidents message but my ton ion is lie will leave the alie entire matter to the judgment of congress the prospects for the ratification of the Ilaw hawaiian alian treaty are excellent the republicans will stand by it to a unit tind and many democrats will do likewise I 1 think the necessary two thirds vote will bo be secured As to financial legislation especially as to the revision of the banking laws I 1 cannot see how bov uny ny such legislation can be passed |