Show RAILROAD BUILDING try by january iati isali people may blay ride oval orel Chil chilkott chilkoot koot pass tacoma wash nov 2 22 12 T B wallace president of the fidelity bant ot of tacoma has returned from talla no he is ia largely interested in the chit chil koot railroad und and tran transportation corn com pany which is building an aerial tramway from faiia over chilkott chilkoot Chil koot pasa to lake lindeman Lin doman and says that th railroad will be completed by the mid dle of december and that the whole line including the aerial tramway will be completed by the middle of january it will have a capacity ol of carrying the outfits of men daily sir mr wallace says this will insure getting provisions to dawson city not later than than march 1 and reduces the possibility of a famine in dawson the company has haa completed its telephone line from faiia to sheep camp |