Show j B CLAIMANTS POI fol L ij i V C T 1 0 U N ft L write to tei 0 I 1 F r Is 1 D 1 C they li wi 1 r elve quick replies blaff 2021 corps eo prosecuting claims since 1878 18 7 8 they stop work cost money give pain and tt d B in ru S IMS 0 C aoki it costs little to cure Q fr lal 11 it saves a time m e jacobs bilm isn sma lathom them elgh away with wll m money e y misery se CANDY CATHARTIC s CURE constipation toe A ALL elias morris ana S sons Gom company parly anil and headstones IN marble and granite G mantles 9 grates G rates 9 etc 4 anu I 1 rii TER salt lalie laag cita lit WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS GEO gea U SCOTT JAS GLENDI glendinning aning ja H S vice and treas secretary G e U 0 beott 4 y C importers ra anci adt dealers rea in bar ebar anci sheet SHE ea arc iron steel flipe alpe AGENTS FOR folt buffalo scale company detroit stove co atlas engine works john van rome home steel ranges dodge wooden pulleys coles air tight healers caters 11 california powder works worthington steam pumps celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere rubber co engine oil dodge injectors Inject ors brown co drill tool steel leviathan belting miners Aliner sTools tools stoves etc and 3 general assortment of mill findings STOK giorl U H HIN ST WAREHOUSE W iEGO fD SOUTH SAI LAKE gity utah educate your bowel with Ca CaA cart carets cathartic cure constipation con forever locka I 1 fail smoke sledge cigarettes 20 for 5 acts to cure ConAti constipation pation ro forever rever take candy cathartic loc or ac ditc itc it C C C attil to cure drug druggists gits refund money ra ajr r a Winslow le soothing sarup for children teething tens the lite gurns reduces iffla In flaiT matlon a pain cures v vlod ind colic 25 cents a bottlo the T haat h 0 ri tr k 0 7 tr H waa ri V pra ak I 1 ONCE TESTED ALWAYS USED ru Z rz T bac 1 1 L X I 1 p 5 C w 3 0 0 y qa Q 0 M T a 0 da 0 6 0 0 gl I 1 0 a VW d 0 0 vyrl VA 0 V D 1 0 1 it 1 all goods guaranteed the finot finest hotels bal bakeries ceries restaurants tested and endorsed by leading chemists used iu in very and families manufactured red by people nv who he have lived in salt lake twenty five fire years what crown halting cowder and what risk can you take in giving gavini it a ST more can be said for three fairrest fair test ask asic your grocer for them and ref refuse use to accept substitutes HEWLETT BROS CO mars 3 POCATELLO Z SALT LAKE CITY 2 no nn to nao tor for fifty cent guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak wait men strong blood pure pum we soc 81 1 all druggists FOR 30 DAYS YOU CAN CAM TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS their marvelous nm CURE BY rheumatism NEURALGIA CATARRH LA grippe I 1 C DROP sly Is 13 tho the mot most concentrated and powerful J W V 0 knoma free from opiates and anu perfectly ly harmi harm less relief Is usually felt tho the very first night letters of grateful praise from efrom thousands who little hao been cured by 5 DROPS and who rec ommond sufferers from anil and kindred dis discasey cases to use ube it gentlemen iwhite to let you li know now that your medicine his has in my ULRIC caso case proven nil all you claim for it and more fur fr li it did for me what no other medicine cine had done before I 1 could not move inove without help and tho the doctors made tun fun of mo me fa or r sending c to you vou for medicine they said I 1 was past medicine mc dicino help but I 1 have been for three months lumilla as good henith health as ever I 1 did in my mv ute life her hc 1111 and ono one dollar for which cleao hond a d me another bottle of 5 DROPS lor for I 1 know of lots of people that suffer with m a and d I 1 wish to try this on the wort worst of them and perhaps they will believe me FRACK Ne levedah vedah wis oct rz w tor forty l orty alwo two yearn Gent lement I 1 foel it mt duty to letsou let 5 ou know whal t t S bi ba done for me I 1 have bare had asthma for forty two years and liny hay bever for fifteen 5 tar a I 1 do not know how lony long I 1 auff ered with catarrh but I 1 think about ears towards tho the list of july I 1 began taking 16 achen han I 1 had used it about a meek the asthma began to leave nm me and lu in two it atmas pone gone I 1 am sure 5 DROPS through the help of 0 god did cure nio me for or I 1 took no other mod irine in teat time I 1 have not had bad tho the hay flay favor 1 bakin the 45 a and antt I 1 un in hi good hopes that thae with tho the help of the inhaler and preparation 1 11 adso ayo cure my cath catarrh E stanberry mo ito n oft t id 26 asa As a positive cure for ithen delit ica N igia Dick asthma lay fever noan nervous antl Nral ulc Ac akness toothache croup bw Sw ellin la tirl ppe ness etc etc A A FIVE DROPS has never been equal equalled led clr 5 dropsy hut but once a lay la Is acome a dose of oc this remedy and nd to enable oll suCo sufferers mrs to make U a arlu 0 Us wonderful darful curativo curative 1 ac e will vend out during tho the next thirty dAys ample bol tit aa aid by nall even u amplo bottle I 1 will III convince you of 0 its ita merit best beat and medicine 01 earth large bottles dosed aloo for 30 II 11 1158 3 a 3 for 02 B SO 50 not ot sold by drug ony baui by art ur aponta accents in mcw territory 1 rite us today to day CURE CO dearborn st CHICAGO ILL Is blood deep clean blood means a clean skin no beauty without it Cas carets candy ca cathartic tb artie artic cleans your blood and keeps it clean by stirring up the lazy liver aud and darivin driving g all impurities eur puri ties from the bod body ly begin today to day t to 0 banish pimples boils and that sickly bilious compI complexion onon b by taking Cas carets beauty tor for ten tea cents all druggists satisfaction guaranteed we dont tobacco spit and smoke your tour the life anay z Y to quit tobacco easily and forever be mag mae detic lull full of llo 1110 nerve and vigor talio take noto no to bac the wonder worker that makes weak vie akmen men strong all druggists or 1 cure guaran teed booklet and sample tree free address sterling remedy co chicago or or new w yorla X economy save 10 cents on a package of cheap baking powder and eat the cake vou you coulden couldn t do better for your doctor schillings best money back baking powder is at your grocer s A schilling I 1 a g C complis n stes san I 1 fancisco ran cisco 1 tool healtha Healt hs complexion dathene Hath cne Is not ft a med medicine idne it Is natures pure tirs ru fored red in tablet form to be dusol dis olvid vt in t the to teth bath boi it avitts nature in cle cleamins aming the sm skin and keeping keepin git it sweet lede respiration x and we ve nill mill send sou tablets co N new ew york cit city 7 0 I 1 n mn ii iff ft will keep a doctor out of the house half a year tito melr Is warrant td to 0 break a cold acier s beginning of rheumatism in 21 hour sale for infant 0 corroborative statements ments of eminent people with it the largest sale pale ever ver ki known own lopour k or 3 ou r vest TOPI pocket ono ODO bottle prevents I 1 colds exposure wrap a quarter in paper mid and 1 X 11 st louis LOIIS yo mo ct 0 boverly M dicron IV edwy N Y try tho the n ever WPM failing remedy HR ddll 1 ral 1 hill D B off B 9 D II 11 rs sto stomach maci germ gorman arvn d 1 booklet 1001 acl and sample mailed mailea free of charge it keeslar zul cir sits package sent to any address prepaid aid on receipt ot of tl 1 CO 00 address german stomach powder co polk paulina ats chicago ill a U H por for people that are sick or just doul donta PILLS feel aou ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE removes pimples cures headache ra costiveness 26 cu acts a box at drug druggists druc gits titi or by mall mail baLu ples I 1 t roe rc address dr bosanko co phil pa HEW DISCOVERY iw DROPSY 23 qu let relief and nl curot worst I 1 ex hond fr for book of and 10 iata days t treatment reat free dr bu b MORPHINE AND WHISKY HABITS OPIUM CURE nook book PREP or dr s 0 ui duill HOFFMAN isabilla CHICAG CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FREE A ladles ladies or gents hand sonic kadko diamond pin given alven tree free nith it b each order for thee beautiful nips ROCK OP AGES inches grandfathers BIRTHDAY till and FAMILY PET these pictures are in III 15 1 5 different colors color only for 3 pictures dalh ered tree free every should anve them dont dolay send order and bonev at our I 1 isk MA MANHATTAN PUBLISH publishing iNC CO 61 warren st now new york city SOUTHERN gomese guide every should eddress addreal either cither J F A 0 P A manchester iowa w IV A KELLOND A 0 P A Loul 1119 by or S G HATCH D P F A cincinnati 0 i for a f arm copy of 0 the I 1 S railroads ILKO DS bouthern live stock Commissi oti I 1 you would keep postel posted write for prompt replies quick returns return FRED A SEARS mccornick block SALT LAKE BOOKS stationery AND periodicals telephone or write rite AR vergol co for formerly morly P it reous dergo book co dtta neI telephone N no 0 salt sait lake jake city anti and in a few hours obtain up to date dale kotva goetts at city prices wo ive prepay tran port por atlon tation on bookstand articles ond and alte you special prices on boatler ones wo lye carry a complete stock of books oo on all in ill various bi adl digs school and deac teacher hers boots books binl and KI supplies up pUe bibles and prayer bloks and pens blank books bolce and typewriter L supplies birthday N edding and day da etc acte we also so e gravo and print to order and society stationery statiOn CrY guaranteed how to got get rich send for AGIA lafor 10 R DIS 1 TO CVRK CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY DAT take laxative bromo quinine tablets all Drue elSts refund tho money it it falls falla u cure sic star tobacco Is 13 the leading brand ot of the tha world because it is the best A ML 1 dulits WERE ALL AIL uie WIS FAILS 1 best caugh syrup wd use in alin 1 sierl br N U salt lake ake 1 no 4 48 8 1897 7 AustIe ritte kindly attention this paper |