Show THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP joun JOHN R WALLIS INTALL rs editor and prop RATE or one year cash in advance loo but ifon it on timo time or in produce will bo be charged RATES you FOB advertising professional cards per month UA cards card whoa when paid paia in ia advance SOO 00 per year local cotal notices i ton ten cents por per line for first inser don on a and d civo conta cents por per line for cich insertion ns regal notices Notice ston ten cents por per liuo line each insertion ins insert ion kates tor for display advertising enado do known on all al communications ah should ix he addressed to THE UP ur utah FrIt entered ered at the nce at randolph utah as second class rn matter atter SATURDAY NOV 27 1897 oregon short line time table trains arrive at and depart from montpelier as follows going west 1215 a m going east a m P 11 II MURNANE agent union onion pacific time table Trains arrive and depart from evanston as follows GOING EAST arrive arrhe depart no 2 1110 11 10 a in 11 1115 15 a m no 4 1125 11 25 p m ll 11 1130 SO 30 p in GOING WEST WENT arrive depart no 1 1110 11 10 a m 11 1115 15 a in no 20 p m 11 1135 35 p m J K GRAFF agent |