Show garden city gleanings meatier We Wea atler tier fine at present but lias has been nery stormy making the roads so t tad ad as to be almost impassable besides a number of 0 colds ac compan ed by a cough in the children afflicted winch which resembles whopping coull cough quite a number ot of our brethren have teen engaged in piling saw lumber in the canyon preparatory to ha hauling tiling it to the alie mill in the winter as we have no good summer roads our road supervisor thos calder has been rustling his men and the roal work lork will be done in a 1 few days but the new road is much worse than the old one as the late storms lias has made a great impression on the fresh soil since last writing some of our brethren have movel widow saxtons santons Sax tons house from where it stood to her son in law jno barriers Far Farri ners ers lot so that she might be better cared tor for cookis making some improvements in prove ments on his lecuse so that he be may be the better prepared for the traveling public our ward associations are in good running order and we anticipate having good meetings tins tills winter we have hane had bro jas quinton a special stake missionary with us for the past neck and he lias has given us a general waking up lie he goes to meadow mcadow lowville v ile tomorrow tomorrow we wish him good luck and god godspeed speed bro A cook is back east with cattle and on other business this is ills his third trip this fall mrs mr jno haggerty has moved to montpelier for the winter and perhaps longer we hope the move will better her circumstances S IT putnam is a visitor here for fora a week or so widow sims has moved into town so that her children may have the t lene ene fit of the school during winter so bo also has L S dustie arid and family right make your childless chil child diens lens education sure H nc C garden city utah nov 2 23 1897 |