Show POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS MONEY what shau shall the Covern government ment do with it when the system Is 18 la in working order this is a feature that will require careful consideration and one that will doubtless awaken much discussion in and out of congress several plans are proposed one is to use the funds for the purchase of outstanding government of these enough could be had to begin the system and run it for three or four years after united states bonds should become no longer available something else could be found it has been proposed that the funds be invested in state bonds but it is doubtful whether this would be legal without a constitutional amendment certain it is that the opponents of the system would take this ground and try to block the way the country stands in need of a cheap parcel post of one cent letter postage and of rural free mail delivery the money could be used to establish these and bonds of small denominations be issued for the purpose thus placing them within reach of people of small means athas it has also teen proposed to erect buildings in the smaller towns and cities tor for government purposes for the courts flees and custom houses house ind thus save rentals now paid another plan is to use the funds for the erection of telegraph lines and the establishment of telegraph and telephone service in connection with inith the post offices it has also been proposed propose to loan the funds to the national banks also to individuals upon farm mortgages and other real estate but it Is ia likely that these proposals ft nouli aull I meet with strenuous opposition and create a conflict that bad better be avoided of the merit of the respective plans it is not necessary now to speak but the subject should at once be taken up and considered by all the people doubtless some good aud and safe plan will be devised containing no vicious principle when congress meets F farm arm journal |