Show WAR OF THE TONGS of trouble directed with S sar a francisco san ran francisco nov 0 6 the police are anticipating serious trouble in chinatown High binders are re returning in in har large hare e numbers from the alas itan an canneries and it is said the old war of the tongs longs is about to be revived to this undesirable influx is ascribed the many shooting affrays in chinatown during the last few days day it is ilso alleged that under the ne new w ruling df agthe the united states court many of the chinese admitted to the united states ire afflicted with leprosy numbers Number of leprous chinese are said to have corne come dom aiom honolulu llono lulu by way of northern northera ports and the good citizenship committee co ca of the young people s society da of christian endeavor ln Un deavo deavor r is is preparing a memorial to be sent to tin the president before the convenio conven convening iD 1 of congress setting forth these alleged facts and braying for foe deterring executive action |