Show remember sign this jacobs oil whereby it 2 coals SC bici lumbago SPRAINS conquers pain f 0 BRUISE 3 aide BURNS N IV X 3 I 1 DIR G W SHORES th 07 it specialist in the went C n E D DOLLAR C L L A WEED W E an B BE PAID ubi ML YOV YOU A E n E C el I 1 DR a 0 W SHORES always seeking to help suffering buffering mank 1 id always trying to convince that he gives elves value received for or every dollar paid pad him has cle decided eded to ove ve quackery nud fraud and imposition its death blow and protect the classes from tho the of 0 quacks and charlatans every sufferer su ut frerer err from L J I 1 sv T MANHOOD MANI AIANI seminal weakness Wei kneas Varle baj ocele A hoca bErc turc or shrunken organs premature pie mature old age ka md and oil all mtnor jojne alte diseases n caused by ignorance nce tice excess or conta acin on n no 0 matter how celere you ci mn concu consult I 1 DR G W SHORES the or sl clan who has giden chiv en his lle life to cordz cur ns chronic disease and be exi examined mined ao an treated and cured without pay a 3 ne g kilm him one dollar until the cure Is elpe c L c a tho doctor res reserves erves the however bluever hi bl wever to refuse any incurable case cabe if f tie h carlt cure you he ha dont want coir ayr 9 41 oney oncy st i h an otter offer was never before made by a ph aclan arl and pr dr 0 IV shores is 1 only ablo able to mah nako it ft because he bp positively cures these thes di Pases dont cawte another cent on cioc tarn leat but consult the old doctor ali and be cured SACREDLY ay iy CON 0 dr G va SHORES R ack pox cox ilsc ri MU ubia U tl salt Sal baltake take it ake city uth utah ELry u U 2 lim alg c G fur fr ticia tural 1 6 dier barges itiLIA MI G d J or uk 1 not to stricture of if ui u c 0 it B e iyre BU painless aud and lul it abana r CHEVI CALCO gent or r vor 1 I 1 sold jold I 1 b by y si I or aint n in plain wrapper lr prep nill lor for fl on im or 3 circuit CIr cuIr sent on request live stock commission I 1 you would liepp postel pos lOil write for or information prompt Ironi pl replica FRED A SEAS SEARS ituk isi viii alvn L CLAIMANTS 10 1 0 p W Q M F N S 10 N B u BI IIO rite to 10 NATHAN A IN ij tt V il sep 5 1 ochi D 0 tl acy CY B IR ill receive quick cepil U D ath N 11 vois oin carpi prosecuting claims since 1878 8 v ave to tta U rall e caf efel send fir bir lo lok bok k of wid I 1 0 alty treatment 1 re rf dr dg anisi tn P t 1 I for t ini ining HOIN 10 nil git rich alli IU ul lilU tl ill i to Z 06 EH chic educate your ilowe weli cac Ca cartt arots candy cathartic cuic conti constipation pation forever vcr loc sic if C C C refund money TO curr A COLD IN ONU DAY BAY take laxative drotor quinine tablets all druggis aiu gla g s the aitio money it li it aaili tal 15 1 5 to lo cure alie 32 mr ra Avin slows Soot soothing hinc for rh children ildron ion the irme ir me duces ingro aviation via tion bilay a pill aurva ind colic 24 c bottlo all hilt WIS best bent bood UN IBO tn n t amit halil by d airl M 1 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avery 1 acry holbo ker bogold address either cither J F devny A 0 P I 1 A tor ter loa W A RELT DP A 0 p A ible ky or S G HATCH 1 P T A CI I it 0 fr for free covy cony of the GUIDE BOOKS stationery STATI AND periodicals goei hone or 1 arlo rie ri e A R doro JL A co formerly paison K irano book co liik no US 1 aal yal at lake city slid and in a feu fc hoffr obtain up lip to date dale goods at cl do prices we vo traus port tion on took sand si ecial prices on heabler once wo carry a 0 complete mock of cooki boohr on oil all subjects in various and toachim aks and kin supplies bibles and pra prayer books folmand fol old dand and roun dountain tain aie ians s blank hooks and holl duy etc 0 wo o also enar tivo nod print to order anjer and society station stationery cry guaranteed P G U A R ta da W aa X wr for or peo people ale that A are r e sick or just do dentt n 1 t P au feel well S ONE CINC FOR A DOSE R pimp pimples 1 es cures Hs adache dyspepsia and C 0 aliveness 2 as eta cla a box tt at ta is or by man mail froe freel address adi rua dr Eo co phila pa ka W N U salt lake no IG 1897 alion kindly mention blonti oti this paper F FOR 30 DAYS YOU CN CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS thir their CURE V Man tilous BY BV pt t U r A T I 1 roPI ALGIA fIll alfill Af 0 T DD 1 fi E r claim and can prove our statement that more cures have been 1 1 W VV effected bv 66 FIVE DROPS sto an fn ea 3 du dunns r lag the last t afo yearb than anut all ot oilier i ier remedies romedi ei F combined ined jt it cannot fall more than cured As a positive cure for or ini sciatica schiller neuralgia H bick back athe Astlin ii hay day faver catarrh Calir rh ncr I 1 boug ou tind Ilea daches heart cromp ii I i grippe malaria creeping numbus s etc etc 5 DROPS has never been equaled e q u aled and is i a pl prompt arka anil permanent cure though free from opiates anil ant perfectly perfect III harrak har harr 5 drohr is I 1 the mott most concentrated and powerful known t no N ads disease I 1 is too loo deeply rooted or painful to yield to this medicine and relief relict 6 usually felt the very what t it has already done to relieve sull ering humanity Is told in letters of grateful praise from thousands thousand of hearts once sickened and heavy with pain now painless and happy gentlemen Gent lenion 1 I cat cai ca i bardh find and word to express toy my tor for diat bat your ltv 15 has done for nio me I 1 hilo tilen but bt unc e bo atile I 1 ie of i the and I 1 feel fed like liked A now person I 1 have bato taken nil all kinds ot of ned med dries but all jia 10 lo nio n good us mine te lose dovo of your 51 I 1 your meak iw ino t one lie ol ct my 1 anil I it helped hint him anav lie hal had been u ile meli colem odd and line doc oring but nothing to do bilm any rood good I 1 believe the lord hasna has your medicine and if they will only have faith it win will eure them of their I 1 ailta st belleve ici brink man to atollia alle evain such la Is mi ln ralth la in the I 1 ani v in now till 00 stars eara of age very hopefully ropE fully yours C a 1 D CROSBY covers bosom hill ia a 11 F H M r C D fi tk S C H aken out bat it day Is a dose 0 of this thi great remeda and S U V r to enable all to make mahe a trial tria I 1 0 of its wonderful curative properties uc c will m send out during the next thirty daya lOo sample bottles bottle fora or cent aunts each prepaid bv mall mail feud today to day even a sample bottle will convince you of its merit dost best and cheapest medicine on earth liars larve a bottle Sl sw Adose il 1011 0 not sold by drug gibu only by us and our anth agents agents wanted in new ry us tody fer thirty days 3 large coteles P Cot lott lles les lor for qt t chirgo r A r L L lica Z 1 1 A cuRE coNSTIPATION ALL oc DRUGGISTS GEO gea 11 SCOTT JAS fl S president vice anil and treas secretary Soc rotary 0 M d 3 H id IA 1 C bar end heat sl vec t iron steel S e I 1 e AGENTS foil scale company detroit stove co atlis atlas engine borks john van home steel ranges dodge docile hoojen pulleys coles air tight tiglia heaters calif Calito druia ruia poll arader der N borics worthington Worthin glon steam pumps In nips celebrated anchor brand cylinder antl and revere rubber kubber co engine oil dodge injectors Inject ors inowe co dr drill ill tool steel leviathan belting miners tools stoves etc arid and a general assortment of mill ff fin ains IR MAT ST SI mm H W SECOND souni AKE ciff OHI elias morris ana sons company Gom pany and 4 IN marble al and alid id grani te mantles masities Maii ties grates G Gr rates etc d 11 I 1 L cibit r sal uke lake lit jk WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS |