Show THE TELEPHONE work steadily set sitting Sitti tiu ug and adl wire to commence at once A meeting was wai held here on oil friday evening nov 5 15 with bp A mckinnon is as chairman airman cli and 0 J spencer as secretary A local committee was appointed to hustle bustle around and see that I 1 tile poles promised were mere on land hand in ia time tor for beginning work on them jno IV dykins was appointed delegate to the meeting of tile the stockholders at evanston on saturday at the meeting held in evanston on saturday it was decided to go right ahead with the work the expenses of tile the line including poles wire instruments labor etc not to exceed 30 per mile five directors were appointed as aa follows chas kingston evanston jos E cashan carlil n evanston chas stone evanston Ey anston jno M baxter woodruff and robert MCKI McKin randolph Kan dolph it was decided to incorporate tile the company under the state laws of wyoming with headquarters at evanston poles are now on the ground at randolph waiting for UK the tar to be applied when they will be ready to replace the stakes which mark their position several other teams are in the hills getting out poles various sums of if money have been subscribed and labor sufficient for all purposes is assured |