Show CHILD OF LUCK Teal ch I 1 icaco ago willow will adopt cingros Cin cros chicago nov G mrs celia wallace ace wl who io resides at it the auditorium and is a childless widow ividor has taken r tancy to angelina Er cossio y cisneros the cuban ie fugee and has offered to adopt the cuban maid and make her in heir to a fortune estimated by ilic hs friends of mrs wallace nt looks with favor upon the proposition and too took it under ad qi when it was explained to her that oat the written consent of if her faeber would be alry belore tile the adoption option id could be made legally lo gally site she said she thought lie he would be willing to take the step A definite ansier anser mil ill be given to mrs wallace within a reasonable length of time thile from washington whither the cuban girl returned mrs wallace came to chicago from saratoga NT N Y several years ago |