Show LOCALS weddings galore soon coc paid for oats at mckinnon SIc Kinnon bros old newspapers for sale at this office 25 5 cents per hundred evanston merchants unloaded six carloads of merchandise this week register GH G II 11 Frazier a leading farmer of woodruff was transacting business in town yesterday news register correspondents are requested to kindly mail matter for publication in this paper so that it will reach this office riot not later than wednesday mr wm win hale left tor for his bis star valley home wednesday morning lie ile expects to be hack back in a weeks time his father A lu hale is we regret to learn under the weather everyone desires desi res to keep keel informed on yukon the klondyke and alaskan gold fields send loc for large compendium of vast information and big color map to hamilton put pub co indianapolis ind 0 A kennedy A A won ger R P hunter and other owners of the yukon mining t claim in the monte cristo country have sent men up to 10 lo the assessment work on the claim and bring hack back samples of the ore to be tested to determine deter minu whether it can be worked by the cyanide process utah state journal how to cure billouin Bil louii celle I 1 suffered buffered tor for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by biliousness ious ness and hal had to take medicine ill all the while until I 1 used chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea P remedy which cured me I 1 haves have since nee recommended it to lo a good many people mrs irs F butler fairhaven conn persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear sold by all medicine dealers thanksgiving day next PICKLES 75 cents per leg keg L eg at spencer bros A L eastman of woodruff i vias as a city visitor yesterday news register attorney J R arnold left for randolph thursday on legal business acis yews register IV 11 II simpson believes he lias has a good thing up the canyon lie ile left some pretty specimens at this the new bell arrived from cincin tor for the dist school ou on thursday it is a beauty weighing lbs ibs why remain sick or in pain when you can an be cured by using pain paint price 25 and 50 cents per bottle ET E T pope sole agent randolph utah married at the home of the brides parents on friday nov 5 miss ellic effic pearce to soren nelson bisbon A mckinnon performed tue the ceremony the young couple started for the bridegrooms bride grooms home at freedom uinta co wyo on saturday mr P J gorman german the affable manager ageros ol 01 the implement branch of the beeman cashin mer co was hustling lin business in town this week he gave us a pleasant call and reported business busl nes first class call again pete always glad to see you jas 11 II brown of the alic firm of brown sons of logan has established a branch works at paris and is prepared to do all kinds of ornamental work in plaster of parts paris suitable for house decorations get his figures for marble monuments and graye gravestones stones prices very reasonable T 11 II brown paris idalio idaho washington nov 6 the i ter general has issued a fraud order barring from the use of the inaho jo john hn wedderburn john wedderburn co t tha 1143 national recorder and the national recorder publishing company of ct taits city the order is tile the result of charges made by patent attorneys of this anil and ether cities beautiful weather lately TU ed south ii our new postmaster wood wanted at this ollice on subscription monday Is the day set act for all taxes to tie be paid hurry up mckinnon bros shipped ills ibs of grain at sage tills this week tile the two year old son of N M hodges ea is also sick with pneumonia born A son to the wile wife of henry noffman hoffman on nov 4 1897 all well this weather Is the ideal tor for getting that telephone lineup line up kush the work christian christensen Chrls cut his foot severely on monday whilst felling trees E R south and wife and miss maud spencer returned from salt lake city on oil wednesday marion the 4 43 3 earold ear old son of N ina M hodges is quite III with what is believed to be pneumonia mr W C cLaren was in III from the litchfiel Litch fieM ranch this week and paid ye editor a pleasant visit call again spencer bros are making a great improvement by adding several loads of gravel to the sidewalk in front of their store miss pearce is suffering with a very severe cold which confines her to the house we hope soon to see her about again TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE HAY DAY take laxative bromo quinine T tablets ab all druggists refund the money it if it fails to cure 25 ac evanston people did themselves proud by subscribing the neat surn sum of in ald aid of the young ladies who lost their wardrobes iu in the pacific hotel fire the salt lake tribunes fifty years ago sketches has been compiled and republished in handsome book form with illuminated cover by mail at tribune at the meeting of the cache co commissioners lust hist saturday chairman Ilay ball reported that the merchants of logan had contributed 22 14 toward building the new road to rich co and that he be bordere I 1 it expended on the upper end of the road sheriff Mars marshall ball returned from pro vo last saturday bringing with him parley P pace of span ish sli fork who is charged with stealing a horse the property of C B crawford of woodruff lie ile had a hearing before justice south on monday who remanded him fixing his bonds at 1000 the worst cold I 1 ever had in my life was cured by Chamber chamberlains chamberlan lal ns cough remedy writes W 11 II norton of sutter creek cal this cold left me with a cough and I 1 was expectorating expect orating all tile the time the remedy cured me and I 1 want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it for it will do them good sold by all medicine dealers all work on the monte cristo mines about sixty miles east of ogden has been abandoned some two or three weeks ago a contract to tunnel fifty feet was let to W B gray who commenced work with a force of four men when seven feet had been tunneled a strong flow of water was encountered which compelled the abandonment of work it is intended to push the development work next spring tribune tile the three year old boy of J A john Joh johnann naon on of lynn center ill is subject to attacks of croup mr johnson says he be is satisfied that the timely use of chamberlains cough remedy during a 1 severe attack save bavei his little boys life lie ile is in tile drug business a member of the firm of johnson bros of that place and they handle a great many patent medicines for throat and lung diseases ite ile had all ail these to choose from and skilled physic physicians laDs ready to respond to his call but selected this remedy for use in his own family at a time when his childs child life was in danger because he be knew it to be super or to any other and famous the country over for its cures of croup mr johnson To linson says this is the best selling cough medicine they handle and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases sold by all medicine dealers |