Show anarchists CELEBRATE tenth of the iho execution of their new york nov nor 9 the anarchists of this city last night celebrated the tenth anniversary of the execution of 0 their coar comrades ades in chlea chicago go in a public meeting in clarendon hall there were about anarchists in the audience johan most presided and read his speech from manu manuscript most spoke of the canaille Cana ilIc of capitalism ital ism which lie he said congratulated itself that the social question had bad been squelched quel ched and that peace and order prevailed lie ile wanted to tell the political bandits that the anarchists were not gathered to mourn or to shed tears but to sing a song of triumph for the future was ivas not far off the spirit of the revolution must and will ivill endure until the spirit of tyranny shall be crushed until the triumph of justice and equity and humanity in and peace will prevail said the speaker ile he called the government a cowboy govern government men t with apologies to the cowboys and tickled his hearers by saying only one bomb was fired in the ilay farhet but it did excellent execution charles IV mowbray hermann schmitt and august lutt I were the speakers who addressed sed the meeting |