Show DISEASES OP OF THE SKIN the intense itching and smarting tiny incident to eczema tetter salt rheum ai and other diseases odthe of the akin is allayed by applying chamberlains eve ere and skin ointment many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is ia equally efficient for itching piles and aid a 2 favorite remedy for r wro core nipples chapped chapped lit hands ands chilblains frost bites and c chronic ron c sore eore ey aea es for sale bale by druggists at 25 cents per box try dr cades cadys a dys condition pots poll dors ders thea the are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier aul ami ruge for sale by im SMITH FOR SALT SALE FOUR CITY LOTS N P christensen RANDOLPH RANDoL pir giar GET YOUR WORTH y SALT LAKE HERALD biggest brightest and best C DAILY 1000 per annum or r ile per e r m month nth y S SEMI 1 I I 1 EXLY only C rr per year or for 6 months y 4 subscribe through local agent I 1 or send bend direct to THC CO 00 r salt L like ake city utah arvo V 0 FOR FOB SALE A thoroughbred 6 year old hereford bull J W myers evanston wyo J SNOWBALL ami office at the randolph hotel R SPENCE S ATO AT LAWN LAW montpelier IDAHO dr E leo lee rr I 1 Is 19 prepared to do all kinds of dental work crown and Brid arideo goVork work a specialty teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN WOODRUFF UTAH JAS H WALLIS and counsellor at law WUI will practice in m all utah and idaho courts prompt attention givon given to correspondence PARIS IDAHO ke 69 STAGE LINE evanston wyo randolph and laketown Lake town utah daily except sunday leave evanston at 11 1 p m abb is the route to the railroad A lu hale manager CASH PRICES AT SPENCER BROS we have bave just received our spring 0 dress goods shiell arp will sell at the following low rates for ca cash sll american brosart dress goods 12 1 2 cents per yard henrietta from 22 12 cents to 25 11 0 outing from ay 7 cents to ia 0 scotch plaids something nice 8 sl lz e 11 calico from 5 centt cent to 1 71 l 71 bornadine Bor cadine dress goods 12 I 1 ft 2 colors 33 32 inch dress goods IS 18 leader satine 1214 12 it turkey red calico good 79 7 babl utah h cotton flannel extra heavy lo 10 T table e cloth from 40 lappies nappies Nap pies from 5 cents to 7 12 1 2 each syrup 5 gallon kep keg mixed pi pickle kics per ker kee 75 cents sugar 17 lbs ibs tor for tea from 10 to 20 cents centa per package and other groceries in pro proportion portio our line of hats h N complete compla tc with this seasons styles shoes to prices no con consideration s id we are going in m t to 0 s sen ell call anti and see us we cration ago win will t treat r e you right one e p price ric e t to 0 a all 11 for cash te liki tow loh M nde ruhh M ilk 1111 N M HODGES proprietor manufacturers of coldon colden high patent sheaf F A N Y uinta high patent sheaf straight family pride patent v floars FLOy 77 L 0 U RS WL ra graham craham germade made and mill feeds of all kinds B gr C ri J I 1 ilk L m ae ac good square edge at mill 1050 per m in town 1250 lath at mill 50 in town slabs V 2 cents each beany boards 4 cents these prices are for cash only we do not sell lumber on paper lumber yard at J F spencers J F SPENCER secretary treasured Treas urea T THE H E TH UINTAH euintah HOTEL TYSON HOUSE evanston wyo randolph utah a 07 jd neat and comfortable lv oldest and best hotel rooms good home m c cooking in town rates reasonable no on premises hay grain and stabling in connection careful attention to guests try the uintah when you are in MRS S TYSON E vanston evanston ind and you will receive the best prop of 0 treatment C lachapelle prop geo webb J L ATKINS ma carpenter builder and manufacturer and dealer in contractor furnishing and building lumber T C siding our work guaranteed to be well and flooring lath shingles promptly done Doors Windows and Moul dings tn RANDOLPH UTAH office boax the mill EVANSTON EVA ireTON wyo JOS H NEVILLE RANDOLPH HOTEL HOM contractor and builder WOODRUFF UTAH JOHN SNOWBALL prop feed and stabling in connection connect iou plans and specifications furnished THE HOTEL MARX 9 LELLMAN HACKMAN lessees lessels Les sees EVANSTON WYOMING k kept strictly first class clasa commodious and homelike IIo melike headquarters for all traveling men alen the baris bar is supplied with the finest brands ol of liquors and cigars R tates rates reasonable X DR 0 W SHORES L mckinnon F FAMILY LY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh CUB Cus harness and saddle saddie M both local anil and infernal positively cures cure catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or any maker lection affection ol 01 0 th the e nose throat tubes or iuna full size 1 on trial size dr 0 W shores tonic anil and blood purifier aff repairing dono on short notice cleanses ind ans purifies the wood blood gives strength am curfs cures dyspepsia ani and all nervous alse zor nothing kotbin but beat material used in our price 1 I 1 per per ottle bottle work dr df 0 W V kidney and uyer liver curt cures a all dishaw of the liver ani bladder price S 1 per bottle randolph utah dral dr 0 W WS shores hores cough curt cure cures IL ill it cow colds anil and bronch bronchial lal affects affections ns one dose will W croup keep a bolde in the house ure large slie bolt bottles es csc C CE E ANDERSON dr 0 W shores mountain sie oil stop 1 worst pain in one minute for beada headache he toothache to oll CIA cramps or col colic lic use it 11 a na 10 general te mally prevents and cures diphtheria it ul ta repair lepai shop time lime keep a bottle handy af pf price 25 a boltri dr 0 W shores pepsin erm deat destroy nest intestinal worms and removes tile latie round kg ka nearly all kinds of repairing done where they hath hali h and breed it II nayer balls price P bottle 11 at prices to suit tile the times all kinds dr 0 W shores shore wintergreen salye salve cures all of the skin removes red spoil and I 1 of sewing machines repaired adjusted pimples from the ace heals old sores in ats 3 to 5 and supplied clocks cleaned saws sc f M box arf F Is dr 0 W shores antl anti filed locks and keys fitted and repaired twe cure chronic constipation sick lali am li macks 1 ac ks price a bolt li jewelery and furniture 1 f your case Is complicated write dr G W sho A list II 11 repaired etc etc given give me ie a call sail aur k 0 city utah for his new symptom get eel tape expert rt advice free fcc 1 ho razors scissors and all edged tools these re remedies aits prepared prepare and guaranteed cy by rr sharpened dr G WIS W shores hores co salt lake chy lith delers sale and reco recommended mended by all drue gISIS and 1 dacin or of bent direct on receipt of price RANDOLPH UTAH mckinnoe McKiN Nov aitos sole sola agents randolph subscribe for the hone paper |