Show i SONG BIRDS several years ago it a variety of song 1 birds were imported from germany into oregon these consisted of starlings song thrushes black thrushes gold finches cinches fin ches linnets linneas lin nets greenf inches and baky larks which have become acclimated and are increasing and spreading over the state here in utah tor for some cause there are very few wild their importation and increase in creaso should bo be en cn cou ragel 0 they do no harm barm whatever I 1 in obtaining food and their cheery marbil warbling ing happy voices cannot fail to win the appreciation of every lover of nature we havo have only a faw of these pleasant denizens of the held field forest and air and their aba absence erica is IB plainly felt by one who has elBow hero learn learned ed to love their cheerful cheer lul songe bonga mt pleasant pyramid |