Show CLEVELAND CLEV ELANDS S LAST basti pigeonholes pigeon holes Some impo tant measures among thrill in IH the one jofs obien forestry For ertry extry no he epalt B n 11 anit ana i lant cant appropriation mil bill tort salt lake march 4 A special tribune from washington to ill says saw feature of the one inaugural at ill ahn at i known to only a few ot th n witnessing the scenes at the flit ua capitol e the parade was the fact act th that a t elie th he v it on will at once be be conaro with the necessity ot of at passing fi five bolik a lit great appropriation bills which du ila the last session section of con congress grei F foar them namely the agricultural 1 our of i t naval and sundry civil bills wert noti et vetoed by the pret ident the dk c clency bill failed in conference bet litle r tile the two houses with the fl fall lui he indian bill to receive the lep pail p i dents signature the uncompahgre ile of course lapsed the next con congiu will be called greff upon to open the reser tion lion and to execute the wish of the acsa pie le as t twice ice voiced by the senators 14 i representatives the forestry reservation item alt alti failed and also that directing the tru tieu ury department to complete the B chase of the site in salt lake ehia was as introduced by senator benator brown abil A the items of interest to the west frere carried this year on the bills which failed ailed to receive the thep preil refi dents signature as were also those epro pro viding tor for river and harbor improve imprint ments the work must all be don eoye again at the approaching session |